492 BCE
Darius I invades Greece
When Greece connected with the lands of lonia, Darius I decided to take over Greece. He gathered an whole army and sent them to go after Greece. He and his army went across the border of the Perisan fleet and then the army and him headed off to Greece. -
490 BCE
Greeks defeat Persians at Marathon
The Perisan Empire were the most powerful empire, the greeks were two cites that fought together. The cities were Athens and Sparta. The Perisans first came up to the shore of Marathon, a few miles away from Athens, and the Athens arm killed around 6,000 Persians on the Shore. The greeks ended up winning. -
480 BCE
The Battle of Salamis
The Perisans arrived at the city of Athens, when they got there they found it desterted. They found out the people of Athens had ran away and then, the Athens were wating at the coast of the island of Salamis. -
480 BCE
The battle of Therompylae
In the battle of Therompylae, the Greeks put together a force led by Leonidas, the king of the Spartans. They met at the mountain called Therompylae, and then the fought. The Perisans found a way behind the Greeks and they followed 300 Greeks. The Perisans let the Greek armies to escape. The Spartans fought to the death and killed many Perisans. -
445 BCE
Thirty years between Athens and Sparta
Athens an Sparta were trying to recover from the Perisan war. They tried not to dicuss it. Athens became more power full at this time. Sparta became jealous and in when Athens and Sparta ended up on different sides of a conflict city in Corinth, Sparta declared war on Athens. -
424 BCE
Athens invades marga
Athens fought Marga, an Ally of Sparta. Both Athens and Sparta fought at the city of Marga. They battled nearby Sparta, and Marga the people of the city was their allies. Athens turned out to win the battle. -
424 BCE
End of the Pelopennesian War
At the end of the war, Athens lost. Everyone in the city of Athens began to starve to death. They didn't have an army to take on the Spartans land. At the end of the war Athens surrendered to Sparta. The city of Corinth began to tear down its walls. The winner of the war was Sparta.