776 BCE
Olympics Started
The Olympics at first were just a celebration for the Greek god Zeus. It was just a bunch of ceremonies and processions but in 776 a foot race was added. It would be held in the city of Olympia. A messenger would go to the Greek city-states participating and tell them when the games would be. The winner of the race would get an ivory crown and a lot of honor in their home city-state. -
499 BCE
Persian War
The city-state Miletus rebelled against the Persian rule starting the Persian Wars. Miletus asked the other city-states to help them overthrow the Persians. The Athenians were the only ones who agreed. -
498 BCE
The conquer of Sardis
The Athenians crossed the Aegean sea to Asia Minor where they conquered the Persian controlled-city Sardis. This was huge in the war since the other city-states decided to help Miletus and Athens because of this win. -
479 BCE
Greeks Win
The Spartan General Pausanias led the Greek army in the battle of Platea where the Spartans won. The Persians had to flee Greece and ended the Persian Wars -
431 BCE
Begin of Peloponnesian War
The Athenians and Spartans relationship was deteriorating causing the war with Athens and the Peloponnesian League. -
415 BCE
Alcibiades Attack
An Athenian named Alcibiades proposed conquer the island of Sicily. The Athenians liked the idea and went through with it. It didn't since the army was divided. Alcibiades told Sparta about the attack before it happened so he wouldn't get killed. -
405 BCE
A Spartan Victory
The Spartans got an extremely important naval victory over Athens cutting off their supplies. -
404 BCE
Athens Surrenders
Athenians had to surrender in the Peloponnesian War since they had no supplies. -
403 BCE
The Restore of Democracy
After the Peloponnesian War the Athenians were forced to have a 50 noble government but within a year, the nobles were so corrupt that the Athenians rebelled. The democracy was restored. -
Olympics Cancelled
In 393 A.D the competition was cancelled since the Roman emperor Theodosius did not like the ceremonies about Zeus.