776 BCE
Greek Olympics
The first Greek Olympic Games takes place in 776 B.C.
the Olympics had events like foot races etc; -
499 BCE
Persian war.
Miletus rebelled against the Persians, other city-states helped Miletus over throw the Persians in499 B.C. -
495 BCE
Pericles was one of the leading citizens during the Golden age from 495 to 429 B.C which was nearly 30 years Pericles was elected as one of the ten strategoi or general. -
490 BCE
A Marathon is now known as a 26 mile foot race they got that from Greek when the Athenians beat the Persians in war on a island called Marathon when the Athens won they sent a messenger to tell victory he ran 26 miles to town and gasped out victory then died. -
480 BCE
The Athenian navy fights the Persian navy, even tho the Persians had big ships the Athenians had Known the water ways so the Athenians won. -
480 BCE
The Persians were not yet done with the Athenians. A Persian army was dispatched to defeat the Greeks. with a army of 100,000 men and 600-700 ships Xerxes Thought he would beat the Greeks even though the Greeks had fewer men and ships the Greeks still won. -
479 BCE
The Golden age
the Golden age was when the Athens produced some of the greatest artistic and cultural achievements which was from 479 to 404 B.C. -
447 BCE
The Parthenon
The Parthenon was a famous building built under the leadership of pericles. -
431 BCE
The peloponnesian war
In 430 B.C. diplomatic relations with Athens and the Peloponnesian league broke apart. so in 431 the Peloponnesian war broke out. This war lasted for over 25 years! -
384 BCE
A man of his time
Aristotle was a man of hes time, but he didn't think people were all equal he valued men over women. he also believed in slavery. he thought a slave was like a tool that you own.