Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    The First Olympic Games

    The First Olympic Games
    Held in Olympia, the first events of the Olympic Games were javelin, discus, long jump, wrestling, 200 yard race. This festival was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus.
  • 490 BCE

    The Battle of Marathon

    The Battle of Marathon
    Athens went into battle against the Persians even though they were out numbered. They win and a messenger is sent out to announce their victory.
  • 479 BCE

    The Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars
    Around 479 B.C the Persians were defeated. The Persian army of 100,000 men fought against the Spartans and Athenians together. Together they had only around 10,000 men, but won anyways.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Golden Age of Athens

    Athens thrived after the Persian Wars. Made many new buildings and other structures such as the acropolis. The Delian League, a large army, was created to defend Athens from the Persians
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    Athens hid behind their walls for many years waiting for the Spartans to leave. Sparta fails but came back again and that time the plague swept through Athens and caused them to have to surrender.
  • 403 BCE

    Athens Rebels

    Athens Rebels
    After losing the Peloponnesian War Sparta removed their type of government. Athens decides to rebel against Sparta and they succeed
  • 386 BCE

    The Academy is Founded

    The Academy is Founded
    Plato founded the school called The Academy. It taught philosophy. It was the first institution of higher learning in the western world.
  • 339 BCE

    The Death of Socrates

    The Death of Socrates
    The great philosopher Socrates is accused of corrupting the young men of Athens. His punishment is drinking the poison Hemlock.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander the Great Conquers

    Alexander the Great Conquers
    Alexander conquers the Persians along with part of Egypt. There he establishes the capital Alexandria. While making his way towards India he conquered lots of land with his large army of men.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great Dies

    Alexander the Great Dies
    Alexander died starting the Hellenistic period. He died of natural causes. People didn't know what to do because Alexander left no heir to the throne.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 30 BCE

    The Helenistic Perod

    The Hellenistic period began when Alexander the Great died. The Ancient Greek empire started to decline and the Roman empire began to take power.