1453 BCE
The fall of the Roman Empire
The Islamic people over through the Romans and all was lost forever. -
800 BCE
the begging of the Punic war
the Carthaginians wanted to control Sicily a large island. -
776 BCE
the first Olympics
The first Olympics was held in Olympia. It was originally a festival to honor Zeus. -
499 BCE
The Persian war begins
Miletus rebels against the Persian and asks the Athenians to help and they agree. -
Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE
the golden age of Athens
the golden age of Athens was a time for economics growth and culture. -
Period: 431 BCE to 403 BCE
the Peloponnnesian war
The peloponnesian war was a battle between Athens and Sparta and lasted for about 28 years -
428 BCE
Was it for philosopher. Then we go to the marketplace and ask people questions about how they're living. -
384 BCE
Was a philosopher and a student of Plato. He valued men over women and believed in slaves. -
356 BCE
Alexander the great
He became king when he was about 20 years old. He was not a very good king . -
63 BCE
The age of Augustus
He became the king after Julius Caesar and was a very good King