Ancient Greece

  • 492 BCE

    Darius I invades Greece

    Darius I invades Greece
    The first Persian invasion of Greece, during the Persian wars, began in 492 BC, and ended with the decisive Athenian victory at the Battle marathon in 490.
  • 490 BCE

    Greeks defeat persians at marathon

    Greeks defeat persians at marathon
    In 546, Persians took over Ionia. Ionia Greeks found the oppressive and attempted to revolt with aid of the mainland Greeks. Mainland Greece then came to the attention of the Persians, and war between them ensued
  • 480 BCE

    The Battle of salamis

    The Battle of salamis
    The battle of salamis fought between the alliance of Greek city-states and Persians empire. This Battle was a naval battle.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    Persians under Xerxes had both a land and a sea force with which they attempted to defeat those Greeks who wouldn't willingly accept Persians dominated , as many Greek component
  • 445 BCE

    Thirty years peace between argos and sparta begins

    Thirty years peace between argos and sparta  begins
    The thirty years peace was a treaty, Signed between the ancient Greeks, Athens, and Sparta.
  • 424 BCE

    Athens Invades Megara

    Athens Invades Megara
    The Battle of Megara was fought in 424 BC Between the Athens and Megara, ad ally of Sparta. The Athenians were victorious After the war the Athenians invaded the Megara
  • 404 BCE

    End of the peloponnenesian

    End of the peloponnenesian
    The Peloponnesian war was am ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian league led by Sparta.