Ancient Greece

  • 1000 BCE

    city states were created

    city states were created
    the first city states were Sparta Athens Olympia and Thebes around 1000-500 BC
  • 776 BCE

    the first Olympics

    the first Olympics
    the first Olympics has changed history for a lot of countries. the original sports people competed in were running, disc throwing, javelin throwing, and wrestling only the elite could participate in.
  • 750 BCE

    Homer writes Lliad & Odyessy and other stories

    Homer writes Lliad & Odyessy and other stories
    Homer expanded a lot of greek literature especially Iilad and Odyessy.
  • 490 BCE

    The Persian war starts

    The Persian war starts
    the Persian war or the battle of the Greeks and Persians was one of the most revolutionary war in not only Greece but the world entirely.
  • 470 BCE

    Socrates is born

    Socrates is born
    Socrates created the Socratic method and changed teaching styles forever. He focused his teaching on living a moral life.
  • 468 BCE

    Sophocles popularizes plays

    Sophocles popularizes plays
    When Sophocles introduced plays (specifically drama) people loved it. these plays only the wealthy could afford.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponesian war begins between Sparta and Athens

    Peloponesian war begins between Sparta and Athens
    these two fought for 27 years then finally the Spartans force Athens to retreat.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the Great becomes king

    Alexander the Great becomes king
    Alexander the Great was a great military king and created a big and strong empire.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander the Great defeats Persians

    Alexander the Great defeats Persians
    Alexander was a great military king making a strong army to defeat the Persians.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

    Alexander the Great conquers Egypt
    Alexander conquers Egypt a year after defeating the Persians. he then widens Egypt almost reaching India.
  • 146 BCE

    Rome takes over Greece

    Rome takes over Greece
    After Rome takes over Greece, Greece becomes part of the Roman empire.