Euclid studies and writes about mathematics and geometry c. 300 B.C.E
Euclids's knowlege influences us in our daily life because his mathematical discoveries is still how we see geometry today and we use his knowlege without even knowing it. Without him and his work many things would be unclear and senseless. He changed how we see math and everything around us. -
Hippocrates practises and sudies medicine 400 BCE
Hippocrates was influencial since he gave a whole new meaning to medicine and was the first to see medicine as a science and to be separate from reigion. This is important because he made such great discoveries in medicine that still continue to help us in regards to healing, today. -
The Peloponnesian War begins between Sparta and Athens 431 B.C.E
The Peloponnesian War happened between the two major city-states of anciend Greece, Athens and Sparta, because Sparta was threatened by Athen's growing power and prosperity. This war gives us lots of important knowledge about Ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta in paticular. It teaches us about their people, uniforms, weapons, strategies, beliefs and more. -
The contruction of the Parthenon is completed in Athens 447 B.C.E
The Parthenon was a structure dedicated to Athena the patron godess of Athens. The architects for this structure were Ictinus, Callicrates, and Phidias. This is still an important monument for its beauty and meaning because it tells us about the ancient greeks and some of their beliefs. -
Pericles leads the Athenian government 460-429 BCE
This was definitly a start to a sort of democracy we have now. It was a direct democracy in which all 500 male citizens over the age of 30 were able to meet 40 times a year to make important decisions. This means a wide range of people's (although still discluding many; i.e. women, and people without Greek parents) perspectives and ideas. -
The democratic constitution sets rules for governance in Athens 507 BCE
This occured in Ancient Athens, it was founded by the Athenian leader Cleisthenes and only men were allowed to participate. It is a very important event in ancient history because it was where democracy was first born. -
Jan 1, 621
Athens develop a written code of laws 621 BCE
The first laws in ancient Athens, which were set by Draco, were all shockingly severe and almost all crimes were punishable by death. Later Solon took over Athens and changed Draco's harsh laws and also made the government a democracy -
Jan 1, 650
Tyrants rule some Greek city-states 650 BCE
This was also important in the development on an eventual democracy because this was another form of government that took place in ancient Greece that did not work. This is because the poorer classes were being mistreated and were discontent. This lead to the thought of another form of goverment that would make every happy and in which everyone would be able to have a say -
Jan 1, 776
The first Olympic Games take place 776 BCE
The first Olympic Games were located in Athens, Greece. Only free-born men were allowed to participate in the Games. It was an event in honour of the King of the gods, Zeus. It also started a tradition of celebrating physical talents still occuring in our time. -
Most Greek city-states were monarchies (Prior to the 8th century BCE)
This event was important for democracy in ancient Greece because, back then democracy didn't exist however this was the first from of government that the greeks had and it was definitely the first step towards becoming a democracy -
Plato opens an academy of learning in Athens c. 380 BCE
In Athens, Plato opened an academy that trained some of the greatest students. In the Academy he delivered lectures to people from throughout the Greek world, nine tenths of them were from outside of Athens. This was very important, since it gave so many people education opportunities and Plato's writings originated in his teachings there -
Solon is the ruler in Athens 584-559 BCE
Solon not only changed the harsh laws of Draco, he definitely made Athens into more of a democracy than ever before. He allowed poorer people to be included in making government decisions through an elected council, which is a democracy since more people are allowed to vote on decisions and the council is elected