776 BCE
The First Olympics
The Olympics were first held in Olympia and consisted of seven events. The seven events were javelin, discuss throw, the long jump, pentathalon, wrestling, and prankration, and many types of foot races. -
525 BCE
Aeschylus wrote more than 80 plays but only 7 exist today. He wrote the Trilogy, Oresteia, and a play about the Persian war in 474 B.C that was sponsored by Pericles. -
485 BCE
He was a famous playwright and lived during the Golden Age but was not born in the Golden Age. He was popular with the Athenian audiences but not with the critics. Euripides produced 80-90 plays but did not receive many awards. -
Period: 479 BCE to 404 BCE
The Golden Age
This period of time was called the golden age because it produced some of the greatest artistic and cultural achievements. During this time Pericles was one of the wealthiest men in Athens. One of the best building that was built during this time was the acropolis. The acropolis is a complex of buildings overlooking the city. In this time period they also made columns, there are three types Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. -
469 BCE
Socrates grew up in the golden age and was one of the first people to study ethics. He philosophized at the market place with other Athenians. Socrates did not claim to have wisdom or to have taught anybody anything. -
445 BCE
Aristophanes was a playwright in the Golden Age along with a few others. He made fun of statesmen, dramatists, and philosophers in his plays. -
431 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
This war was named after the Peloponnesian mountains which was located in the Peloponnesian League. The Spartans burned the Athenian fields, then they could not find any food for themselves because they burned their food source. The Athenians got to Sparta before the Spartans could get there. They battled by sea and the Athenians won -
427 BCE
Plato was a Greek philosopher who was taught by Socrates. He did not believe in democracy and studied what the difference between good and evil was. He founded the Academy in 387 B.C. The Academy was a school for philosophers. -
384 BCE
Aristotle was a student of Plato at the Academy. He studied there for 20 years and then started his own school called Lyceum. According to him the purpose of life was to exercise your abilities reasonably. -
323 BCE
The Hellenistic period
The Hellenistic period started after Alexander the Great died and during that period almost everything he had wanted to improve got improved. Alexandria was one of the improved cities and was built in Egypt. Even though it was built in Egypt it modeled after Greek town.