Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

    First Olympic Games
    The games were originally a festival honoring Zeus. The games were held every four years.
  • Period: 776 BCE to 440 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Significant events in Greek history.
  • 757 BCE

    Messenian War

    Messenian War
    First Messenian War starts. This is a war between Sparta and Messenia that lasted many years.
  • 750 BCE

    Iliad and Odyssey

    Iliad and Odyssey
    The Iliad and Odyssey was written by homer.
  • 630 BCE

    Colony of Cyrene

    Colony of Cyrene
    Colony of Cyrene created.
  • 621 BCE

    Lawyer Introduces new Laws to Athens

    Lawyer Introduces new Laws to Athens
    A lawyer named Draco introduces strict new laws to Athens that are punishable by death. These are called Draconian law.
  • 600 BCE

    First Currency added to Greece

    First Currency added to Greece
    First coins are made in Greece
  • 594 BCE

    Solon Renews Laws

    Solon Renews Laws
    Solon renews the laws of Athens.
  • 508 BCE

    Kleisthenes Reforms Constitution

    Kleisthenes Reforms Constitution
    Kleisthenes reforms the Athenian constitution and Athens becomes a democracy!
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    Battle of Marathon: Greece versus Persia I (Greece wins!)
  • 440 BCE

    Euripides wins

    Euripides wins
    Famous playwright Euripides wins first prize for the best play in Athens.