Ancient Greece

By brscmsn
  • 146

    Greece becomes a part of Rome- 146 B.C

    Greece becomes a part of Rome-  146 B.C
    Rome conquers Greece making it part of the Roman Empire. Just like the war they had to face with Sparta, the Roman leaders made very bad choices, while the Greeks had to suffer. From a republic to an empire, there wasn't much great things happening ever since then.
  • 323

    Romans Gain Power- 323 B.C

    Romans Gain Power- 323 B.C
    The Hellenistic Period starts when Alexander the Great dies. Ctitzens in Greece were very scared when the Romans also started invading in the city of Athens. Little by little, they started gaining power. Since of this happening, the Greek civilization started to decline.
  • 332

    Alexander conquers Eqypt- 332 B.C

    Alexander conquers Eqypt- 332 B.C
    At this time, Alexander conquers Egypt. He established the new capital of Egypt called Alexandria. Over the next several years, Alexander would greatly expand his empire, conquering much of Persia all the way to India. A lot of people respected him for his courage and loyalty.
  • 342

    Introducing Alexander the Great- 342 B.C

    Introducing Alexander the Great-  342 B.C
    The great philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, Aristotle, began to teach Alexander. He was later called Alexander the Great. He was so great to people because he invaded countries to spread Greek culture mostly around the world. (Mathematics, art, theater, philosophy, etc.)
  • 431

    The Wars between Sparta and Athens- 431 B.C

    The Wars between Sparta and Athens- 431 B.C
    At this time, the wars between Sparta and Athens begin (also called the Peloponnesian Wars). It lasted 27 years when Sparta conquered Athens in 504 B.C. The Athenians were very harshly treated while bad leadership was going on at that time.
  • 432

    Temple of Parathenon- 432 B.C

    Temple of Parathenon-  432 B.C
    The temple dedicated to Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, was called the Parathenon. It was completed in Athens on the Acropolis. Today, most tourists go to Greece to see the piece of architecture that survives of Ancient Greece. Also, it was the most famous building that anyone can see in Greece.
  • Jan 1, 776

    The First Olympic Games- 776 B.C

    The First Olympic Games-  776 B.C
    In 776 B.C, the first Olympic Games were held in Greece. The games would take place every four years in honor of the Greek god Zeus. Just like today, the Olympic Games would take place every four years, and a lot of games such as swimming, running, etc. were played too!
  • Democracy in Athens- 508 B.C

    Democracy in Athens-  508 B.C
    During this time, demcracy is introduced to Athens by Cleisthenes. He established a constitution and was called the "Father of Athenian Democracy." This scene was one of the great accomplishments of the Greek's culture. This was also similar to the American constitution.
  • Theater in Athens- 468 B.C

    Theater in Athens- 468 B.C
    Sopholes begins to write plays for theater that once used to represent the past or future. He also made up plays that were basically fiction or fantasy. Soon theater becomes very popular in ancient Greek culture. Most people at that time would create masks to show certain emotions and feelings.
  • Plato and the Academy- 386 B.C

    Plato and the Academy- 386 B.C
    The Greek philosopher and student of Socrates, Plato, found the first institute of higher learning in the western world called the Academy. He studied mostly everything and helped people with their horoscopes and future.