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Ancient Greece

By akr4585
  • 146


    In 146 B.C. Rome conqured Greece.As an efect Greek becomes part of the Roman Empire.
  • 432

    The Temple

    The Temple
    in 432 B.C. the Parthenon Temple in Athens was finished. This temple was built to honor Athena.This huge temple was built to house a statue of the Goddess Athena. They put her their so she could look over the city.
  • 472


    In 472 B.C. Greek theatres got popular in Athens. People used to go to a theatre to see a magician, juggler, or plays. Most of the time actors wore masks to show their emotions,like if the were happy,sad,or even mad.
  • 500

    Classical Period

    Classical Period
    500 B.C. was the start of the Classical Period in Greece. It was a time of lot of interest in arts, imagination and buildings especially in the city-state Athens. This period continued until 323 B.C.
  • Feb 1, 650

    Cornith was taken over

    Cornith was taken over
    Cornith (a city-state) was taken over by Kypselos, he made himself leader of the city-state.This kind of leader is called a tyrant. When Kypselos died, his son Periander took over the role of tyrant.
  • Jan 1, 776


    The first Olympics game was held during 776 B.C. The guys were held every 4 years in Olympiya it was held to honor their god Zues. Some of the games that were held was included wrestling, jumping, javelin and chariot racing. The winner got crown of olive branches.
  • Nov 2, 1453

    Greece gets Taken over

    Greece gets Taken over
    Ottoman Turks conquer the Byzantine Empire and take control of Greece. Turkish leaders rule over Greek cities, ports and islands for several centuries afterward. Athens, becomes a poor farming village.
  • A Democracy

    A Democracy
    In 508 B.C. a "democracy" began in the Athens. Athenien Male citizens were given the chance to vote in order to decide how the city-state should be run. This is often said to be one of their greatest ideas.
  • Greeks defeated Persian invaders

     Greeks defeated Persian invaders
    Greeks defeated Persian invaders at the battles of Marathon and they also defeated the Salamis. The Greek Victories kept the growing Persian Empire in Check.
  • King of Macodenia

    King of Macodenia
    In 33 B.C. Philip II, the king of Macedonia, took control of Greece. Alexander the great took the throne after King Philip died.