3100 BCE
King Menes unifies upper and lower Egypt
2686 BCE
The Old Kingdom and the age of pyramids starts
2553 BCE
The Great Pyramid of Giza is built
2181 BCE
The Old Kingdom comes to an end
2175 BCE
King Pepy the 2nd dies, leaving Egypt in Political Chaos.
2010 BCE
Prince Mentuhotep reunites Egypt as a country.
1991 BCE
Middle kingdom period begins
1928 BCE
Senurset l extends Egyptian power and furthers Egypt interests abroad
1792 BCE
Amenemhet lll brought the Middle Kingdom to the pinnacle of it's prosperity.
1786 BCE
Middle Kingdom period ends.
1674 BCE
The Hyskos invade Egypt.
Period: 1570 BCE to 1546 BCE
Amois l expels the Hyskos from Egypt.
1567 BCE
The New Kingdom period starts
Period: 1546 BCE to 1526 BCE
Amenhptep l lays foundations for the Egyptian empire.
Period: 1525 BCE to 1512 BCE
Tuthmose is a great warrior that lead campaigns in Nubia,and Syria.
Period: 1512 BCE to 1504 BCE
Thutmose ll marries Hatsheput.
Period: 1503 BCE to 1482 BCE
Hatesheput becomes queen.
Period: 1379 BCE to 1362 BCE
Akhenaten devoted himself to a god called Aten, decalaring that Aten was the most important god.
Period: 1361 BCE to 1352 BCE
King Tut restores original religon and was one of the youngest rulers ever.
Period: 1304 BCE to 1237 BCE
Ramesses the great was a warrior and the pharaoh during the old testaments, Exodus. The Egyptians wage war against the Hitties. They eventually sign a peace treaty.
Period: 1069 BCE to 644 BCE
Egypt is filled with corruption and the people divide into city-states.
Period: 332 BCE to 30 BCE
Alexander the great conquers Ancient Egypt