
Ancient Egypt

By yaypigs
  • Period: 2950 BCE to 2575 BCE

    Early Dynastic Period

    The Ancient Egypt civilization begins.The first pharaoh of Egypt,Menes, united the upper and lower parts of Egypt into a single civilization. He put the capitol at the midpoint of the two lands in a city called Memphis. During this time Egyptians developed hieroglyphic writing which would be important for making records and running the government.
  • Period: 2575 BCE to 2150 BCE

    old kingdom

    The fourth dynasty begins the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx are built. This is often called the age of the pyramids. The fourth dynasty is a time of peace and also a time when the sun god Re became prominent in the Egyptian religion
  • Period: 2150 BCE to 1975 BCE

    First Intermediate period

    Egypt splits back into two countries. The Old Kingdom ends and the first intermediate period begins
  • Period: 1975 BCE to 1640 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    The Pharaoh Mentuhotep ll reunites the two parts of Egypt under one rule signaling the start of the Middle Kingdom. The royal tombs are moved to the north near the city of Memphis. The Egyptians start to use irrigation to carry water from the Nile to their crops
  • Period: 1640 BCE to 1520 BCE

    Second Intermediate Period

    The Middle Kingdom ends and the Second Intermediate period begins. Some of the dynasties at the end of the Middle Kingdom and during this period only lasts for a short time. The horse and chariot are introduced during this period
  • Period: 1520 BCE to 1075 BCE

    New Kingdom

    The New Kingdom is the time of greatest prosperity for the Ancient Egyptians civilization. During this time the Pharaoh conquer the most lands and the Egyptian empire reaches its peak
  • Period: 1075 BCE to 653 BCE

    Third Intermediate Period

    The New Kingdom comes to an end when Egypt becomes divided.
    The Third Intermediate Period begins. Egypt grows weaker and is eventually conquered by the Assyrian Empire near the end of this period.
  • Period: 653 BCE to 332 BCE

    Late Period

    The Late Period begins as the Assyrians leave Egypt and the locals regain control from vassals left by the Assyrians.