Ancient Egypt

  • 3100 BCE

    first ruler

    first ruler
    First and second dynasties ruled Egypt and began using hieroglyphics. Hor-Aha was declared and considered the first ruler of Egypt. Memphis was declared capitol of Egypt.
  • 2950 BCE

    first pyramid built

    first pyramid built
    first pyramid was built. The step pyramid built at Saqqara for king Zoser one of the kings for the third dynasty. Djoser, sometimes spelled Zoser, was a king of Egypt's third dynasty.
  • 2575 BCE

    the old kingdom

    the old kingdom
    the great Pyramids were built Dahshur and Giza revered as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. King Unas had the burial chamber in his pyramid inscribed with spells for the afterlife
  • 2181 BCE

    first intermediate period

    first intermediate period
    The old kingdom collapsed the 7th and 8th dynasty consist of rapid succession of Memphis-based rulers until about 2055 BC, when the central authority completely dissolved. The chaotic situation was intensified by Bedouin invasions and accompanied by famine and disease
  • 1341 BCE

    King Tut born

    King Tut born
    born on 1341 King Tut was one of the most well known king of Ancient Egypt. He was the 12th king of the 18th dynasty. he was disappeared from history after his death.
  • 1323 BCE

    King Tut dies

    King Tut dies
    king Tut was buried in the valley of kings. Generations after his death he was found by Howard Carter. After his death he disappeared from history.
  • 332 BCE

    alexander the great rules egypt

    alexander the great rules egypt
    occupies Egypt and his general. Greek culture was spread throughout Egypt. The city of Alexandria was found and became famous for the great liberty and the great lighthouse of Alexandria which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.