Ancient Egypt

  • 3150 BCE

    The History of Ancient Egypt

    The Great Sphinx, and the Pyramids of Giza, built during the Old Kingdom. A unified kingdom was founded 3150 BC by King Menes, leading to a series of dynasties that ruled Egypt for the next three millennia.
  • 3100 BCE

    Establishment of Ancient Egypt

    B.C. Ancient Egypt, is established when a king named Narmer unifies the Upper and Lower kingdoms. Egyptians develop hieroglyphic writing. The pyramids and the Sphinx are built.
  • 2950 BCE

    Early Dinastic Period

    The Ancient Egyptian civilization begins. The first Pharaoh of Egypt, Menes, united the Upper and Lower parts of Egypt into a single civilization. He put the capitol at the midpoint of the two lands in a city called Memphis. During this time the Egyptians developed hieroglyphic writing which would be important for making records and running the government..
  • 2600 BCE

    The first Pyramid of Ancient Egypt

    2630 BCE First pyramid is built at Saqqara, Egypt. 2600 BCE: The step pyramid is built by Pharaoh Zoser Djoser. 2550 BCE - 2528 BCE,The Great Pyramid is constructed by Pharaoh Khufu Cheops. 2520 BCEPyramid of Khafre is built at Giza.
  • 2575 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    The fourth dynasty begins and the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are built. This is often called the Age of the Pyramids. The fourth dynasty is a time of peace and also a time when the sun god Re became prominent in the Egyptian religion.
  • 1388 BCE

    King Tut's life

    Tutankhamun was probably born at Akhetaten which was the capital city of Egypt. He was born in about the year 1346 BC. His father was the pharaoh Akehenhaten.Tutankhamun became Pharaoh of Egypt soon after his father died in 1337 BC, when he was only nine years old.Soon after he became pharaoh in 1355 B.C., he married his teenage sister. This was a traditional Egyptian thing to do.By the age of 19 he was dead.
  • 1274 BCE

    The battle of Kadesh

    The Battle of Kadesh took place between the forces of the Egyptian Empire under Ramesses II and the Hittite Empire under Muwatalli II at the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River, just upstream of Lake Homs near the modern Syrian-Lebanese border..
  • 233 BCE

    The Nile River's uses

    Ancient Egypt couldn`t have existed without the Nile river. Since rainfall is almost non-existent in Egypt, the floods provided the only source of moisture to sustain crops.Every year, heavy summer rain in the Ethiopian highlands, sent a torrent of water that overflowed the banks of the Nile. When the floods went down it left thick rich mud (black silt) which was excellent soil to plant seeds in after it had been ploughed.
  • 69 BCE

    Cleopatra VII

    Cleopatra VII Philopator, known to history simply as Cleopatra, was the last active pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt, briefly survived as pharaoh by her son Caesarion. After her reign, Egypt became a province of the recently established Roman Empire.
  • 30 BCE

    Rome v.s Egypt

    After romances with Romans Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, Queen Cleopatra is believed to have killed herself with the bite of a snake, and Rome took control of Egypt.
  • 30 BCE

    The end of Ancient Egypt

    This Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province. The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture..
  • 332

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great ,was a king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He conquered Egypt. He begins a dynasty that rules for 300 years.