
Ancient Egypt

  • 525


    27th Dynisty. Persian conquest. The the Persians came and invaded and ruled Egypt. Persians were pushed out. Persians defeate Egypt again in the battle of Pelosium.Nile canal complete. 525-404 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 664


    26th Dynisty Psamtek I drives off Assyrians and defetes the kings of Kushite. Nekau II begins the building of the construction of the canal fron the Nile to the Redsea. 664-552 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 725

    725-715 BCE.

    725-715 BCE.
    24th Dynisty Nubians fall under the Assyrians invasion. The Greeks reastablished order. 725-715 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1070


    21st dynisty. The kings weakend and egypt was no longer a world power, invaers tore egypt apart. There was also a civil war. 1070-945 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1186

    1186-1069 BCE.

    1186-1069 BCE.
    20th dynasty. RameseIII was one of their greatest kings. The royal burial place in the valley of the kings is plundered. 1186-1069 BCE.
  • Jan 1, 1295

    1295-1186 BCE.

    1295-1186 BCE.
    19th dynasty King Seti restored monuments.Egypy and Asiatic wrote of many battles and treaties beween the two powers. RamsesII builds his mortuary temple. 1295-1186 BCE.
  • 1783-1539 BCE.

    1783-1539 BCE.
    13th,14th,15th,16th,17th dynisties each king during this period ruled for a short amount of time and little was left for this time period. War between Thebes and Asaitc. Capital moved to Thebes witch took extensive building. 1783-1539 BCE.
  • 2135-1986 BCE.

    2135-1986 BCE.
    9th and 10th Dynistys. Egypt split in half, the north ruled from Herakleopolis and the south rulled from Thebes. Alot of foreigen trade. Beautiful jewelry crafted. Goverment became strong under King Amenemeht's rule. 2135-1986 BCE.
  • 2150-2135 BCE

    2150-2135 BCE
    7th and 8th Dynistys. The old kingdoms political structures colapsed. Famine, civil disorder, and a very high death rate. 2150-2135 BCE.
  • 2465-2323 BCE.

    2465-2323 BCE.
    5th Dynisty was the first high officials that had not come from the royal family. Pyrimids became smaller and less sturdy. Magnificent carvings in the temples. Papyrus scrolls were found keeping track of goods. 2465-2323 BCE.
  • 2575-2467 BCE.

    2575-2467 BCE.
    During the fourth dynisty the kings were able to put their time into art. King Khufu's Great Pyrimid of Giza was built. Perople worshiped the sun god Re. Religious words were written in the tombs. 2575-2467 BCE.
  • 2920-2770 BCE.

    2920-2770 BCE.
    Memphis was founded. Papyrus was being used for the goverment to write with there are many impressive artifacats from the writings. 2920-2770 BCE.
  • 3000-2890BCE.

    Irragation provided more crops. statred worchiping the sun. 3000BCE. The first Dynisty was buried in the first royal tombs. 2890BCE.
  • 4000-3200BCE

    People started domesticating sheeps and goats, the people were know for their pottery skills.4000BCE. Hieroglyphics, which could be made out as the first type of writing in egypt. 32000 BCE.
  • First settlement 5000 BCE.

    First settlement 5000 BCE.
    First sighn of settlement in egypt near the Nile delta.5000 BCE.