Alexander dies at Babylon and Ptolemy inherits Egypt
Alexander founds Alexandria in Egypt
Alexander The Great comes into power
Period: 525 to Oct 2, 612
Egypt is a middle eastern power
Oct 2, 1069
Egypt Splits
the high priests of Amon usurp the title of king and split Egypt in two, the north with capital in Tanis (on the Mediterranean Sea) ruled by the 21st dynasty and the south with capital in Thebes ruled by the priests of Amon -
Oct 2, 1300
Egyptians build a canal connecting the Nile and the Red Sea
Cleopatra commits suicide
Egypt becomes a province of the Roman empire -
the Rosetta Stone is carved in both Greek and Egyptian
Egyptian Book of the Dead
the Sphinx is built for pharaoh Khephren
Khephren becomes pharaoh
Giza Pyramids Are Built
c.2550 BC -
Egyptians write on papyrus
Egyptians Begin to Worship the Sun
Hyroglyphic Writing In Egypt
Egyptians Invent the Sail