Ancient civilizations timeline-Kyler Rouse

  • 5000 BCE

    Indus Religion

    Indus Religion
    The Indus valley religion start is not that known but their religion started Somewhat aroaround 5000BCE
  • 3500 BCE

    Mesopotamia beginning

    Mesopotamia beginning
    The civilization began in a 3500 BCE
  • 3500 BCE

    Mesopotamia Creates Cuneiform

    Mesopotamia Creates  Cuneiform
    In 3500 BCE the Sumerians created a writing style called Cuneform at first Cuneiform was just simple pictures then it started to evolve to patterns then around 3200 BCE it became fully evolved.
  • 3300 BCE

    Egypt creates Hieroglyphics

    Egypt creates Hieroglyphics
    Around 3300 BCE the Egyptian people created a writing called hieroglyphics.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt Civilization beginning

    Egypt Civilization beginning
    The Egyptian civilization began at around 3100 BCE when all of the cities and villages were united and became one civilization.
  • 3000 BCE

    Yellow river religion

    Yellow river religion
    The yellow river civilization had many religions over the years basically all of the villages had a religion some similar some different. The first religions started around 3000 BCE
  • 2650 BCE

    The First Pyramid

    The First Pyramid
    The first Pyramid was built in 2650 BCE. The pyramids purpose were for the leader of the Egyptian civilization these leaders were called Pharaohs. When the pharaohs would die they would use the inside of the pyramid as a resting place for the Pharaoh so it the pyramids were a tombs.
  • 2600 BCE

    Indus River Valley Beginning

    Indus River Valley Beginning
    The Indus river civilization began around 2600 BCE
  • 2600 BCE

    Tombs of Ur

    Tombs of Ur
    Around 2600 BCE the royal tombs of Ur were created the tombs were meant for their leaders when they would die the people would get buried with objects worth a lot of value like jewelry or other things.
  • 2500 BCE

    Indus Script

    Indus Script
    Around 2500 BCE the people of the Indus river Valley civilization finally came up with their own form of written language they called the language the Indus script.
  • 2300 BCE

    Mesopatiamia Cities Unite

    Mesopatiamia  Cities Unite
    Around 2300 BCE King Sargon the leader of Akkad got the rest of the Sumerian cities to unite as one.
  • 2100 BCE

    Ur becomes Capitol

    Ur becomes Capitol
    Around 2100 BCE the city of Ur became the capitol of the mesopataimian civilization
  • 2100 BCE

    Xia dynasty

    Xia dynasty
    The Xia were also one of the first dynasties along with the shang dynasty but the xia started earlier and they started around 2100 BCE
  • 2100 BCE

    Yellow river language

    Yellow river language
    The yellow river civilization language stated around 2900 BCE but their were many different versions of the language.
  • 1750 BCE

    Mesopotamia End

    Mesopotamia End
    Mesopotamia began to fall when it first started agriculture since they had so many people they needed to have food for most of them so they of course farmed but since they were farming so much the soil began to go bad and so the plants didn't grow it was a big problem so then the civilization died because their were no food.
  • 1700 BCE

    Shang dynasty

    Shang dynasty
    Around 1700 BCE one of chinas first dynasties came to be and their were soon to be more.
  • 1687 BCE

    Egypt gets invaded

    Egypt gets invaded
    In 1687 BCE Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos who were warriors who would ride horse drawn carriages. This invasion allowed Egypt to make the horse drawn chariot.
  • 1500 BCE

    Yellow River Beginning

    Yellow River Beginning
    The yellow river civilization beginning is not really that known but the civilization truly started between 2500 BCE to 1000 BCE
  • 1500 BCE

    Indus River Valley end

    Indus River Valley end
    Around 1500 BCE the Indus river valley civilization started to fall. Some of the reasons were that they stopped trading with other civilizations like Mesopotamia and their civilization started to go into chaos.
  • 330 BCE

    End of Egypt

    End of Egypt
    After a long time the Egyptian civilization survived for hundreds of years but finally in 330 BCE the Egyptian civilization was finally conquered by the Romans.