Ancient Civilizations

  • 10,000 BCE

    Paleolithic Era

    Paleolithic Era
    Spanning from 2.5 million years ago up until 10,000 BCE, the Paleolithic Era was a period of humanity characterized by hunting and gathering. During this time, people used simple stone tools and were nomadic. The discovery of fire was made during this era. Paleolithic people lived in Eurasia, Southeast Asia, and Australia.
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Neolithic Era

    The Neolithic Era followed the Paleolithic Era, but lasted a much shorter time. This era was characterized by systematic agriculture and permanent farming villages. Life was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 1900 BCE

    Introduction of Sumerians

    The Sumerian Civilization lasted from 4500 BCE to 1900 BCE. They were one of the first groups to occupy Mesopotamia. Sumerians invented Cuneiform writing and they developed the first city-states, such as Eridu, Ur, and Uruk.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 539 BCE

    Introduction of Mesopotamia

    Mesopotamia is known as the "Cradle of Civilization". Mesopotamia was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, in modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey. Mesopotamia was occupied by many early civilizations, including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians.
  • 3200 BCE

    Invention of Cuneiform

    Invention of Cuneiform
    Invented in an ancient city-state by Sumerians, Cuneiform is the earliest writing system known to man. People would use a reed stylus to make wedge-shaped indentations into clay. They used an alphabet but there could also be pictographs.
  • 3000 BCE

    Invention of Indoor Plumbing

    Invention of Indoor Plumbing
    Dating back to as early as 3000 BCE, the first ever indoor plumbing systems were created in the Indus Valley Civilization, specifically Mohenjo Daro. There were pipes that caused waste to flow downwards into drain ditches and ran all throughout the city so plumbing was everywhere. They also had bathhouses to keep themselves clean, another significant innovation as no other civilization had been this advanced.
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    The Old Kingdom was a period in Egyptian history lasting 500 years. It was characterized by having Pharaohs and rulers who would claim Divine Power. As well, the Pyramids were also built during this time period.
  • 2540 BCE

    Creation of the Pyramids

    Creation of the Pyramids
    The Great Pyramid was created by King Khufu. As well, the Egyptians built the Sphinx to protect the pyramids. Pyramids were originally created to serve as tombs for Pharaohs. They were constructed during the Old Kingdom period.
  • Period: 2334 BCE to 2154 BCE

    Introduction of Akkadians

    Although this civilization only lasted 180 years, the Akkadians had a large empire located in Mesopotamia. The Akkadian Empire was the first true empire according to modern standards/understanding. Akkadians were known for building road systems.
  • Period: 1894 BCE to 539 BCE

    Introduction of Babylon

    Babylon was an ancient city in Mesopotamia located on the lower Euphrates River. The people of Babylon are best known for the creation of the Code of Hammurabi. As well, the King of Babylon, Hammurabi, created the Code of Hammurabi to "cause justice to prevail".
  • 1800 BCE

    Founding of Judaism

    Founding of Judaism
    Judaism was one of the first monotheistic religions to have been developed. It was developed in the fertile crescent (modern-day Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon). Those who follow Judaism believe in one God and the Ten Commandments.
  • 1754 BCE

    Creation of Code of Hammurabi

    Creation of Code of Hammurabi
    Written by the Sixth king of Babylon, the Code of Hammurabi is the longest, best preserved, and best-organized legal text from ancient history. Including 282 laws, this text helps solve problems and keep society in order. These laws included various topics such as economics, family law, criminal law, and civil law.
  • Period: 1750 BCE to 1045 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    The Shang Dynasty included the first major rulers of China. The people of China lived in a farming society that was ruled by an aristocracy. They worshipped ancestors and were known for using bronze tools and weapons.
  • 1500 BCE

    Founding of Hinduism

    Founding of Hinduism
    While the founder of this religion is unknown, Hinduism was founded in 1500 BCE in India. It spread to mainly India, Nepal, Malaysia, Guyana, Suriname, and Sri Lanka, with over 1 billion followers worldwide today. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion whose basic beliefs include reincarnation, karma, and the Caste System.
  • Period: 1045 BCE to 256 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty is most greatly known for the declaration of the Mandate of Heaven. As well, some major innovations were creating projects to control flooding and irrigation, and the iron plow to increase crop yield. The Zhou Dynasty also included the development of Confucianism and a civil war that lasted 180 years.
  • 500 BCE

    Founding of Confucianism

    Founding of Confucianism
    Around 500 BCE, Confucius founded the philosophy of Confucianism, the Way of Virtue. Confucianism emphasizes social harmony and moral cultivation. It remains the social code for China today and has also spread to surrounding countries such as Korea and Japan.
  • 500 BCE

    Founding of Daoism

    Founding of Daoism
    Founded some time between 500 BCE - 400 BCE, Daoism is the Chinese philosophy that is considered The Way of Nature. Daoism promoted simplicity, balance, and acting in harmony with the natural world and not forcing anything. Daoism is still practiced in China and also parts of Taiwan.
  • 475 BCE

    Founding of Legalism

    Founding of Legalism
    Unlike Daoism and Confucianism, Legalism is the Way of the Law. Rather than emphasizing morality and ethics, Legalism emphasizes efficiency and state control. Legalism views human nature as humans being inherently selfish.
  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Though very short lived, the Qin Dynasty was very influential. Under the rule of emperor Qin Shihuangdi, the Qin Dynasty unified China with a single monetary system, a roads system, and the adoption of Legalism. Emperor Shihuangdi also built the Great Canal and extended control to the Red River.
  • 220 BCE

    Creation of Great Wall of China

    Creation of Great Wall of China
    In 220 BCE, the construction of the Great Wall of China started. The Great Wall of China was built to protect the Chinese from people to the north. The wall was ordered to be built by emperor Qin Shihuangdi.