Ancient Civilization

By Cody C
  • 3300 BCE

    Early Mesopotamia

    Early Mesopotamia
    This is where the beginning of the ancient civilization Mesopotamia, where the Sumerians became an educated civilization. They created Uruk, which was one of the first of their cities developing a mud brick metropolis. This brought trade and conquest. The Sumerians enjoyed to feature and express art and gigantic columns and temples.
  • Period: 3300 BCE to 2600 BCE

    Early Harappan

    This is the beginning of the formation of the Indus River Valley civilization. This civilization confirmed trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia using ports, docks, and warehouses near waterways.
  • Period: 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE

    Old Kingdom (Egypt)

    This is the beginning of the formation of Ancient Egypt. This is what is considered Old Egypt. This began with the third dynasty's King Djoser who designed the Step-Pyramid at Saqqara, which was the world's first major stone building. The great Pyramid of Giza and Menkaura were created during this time. During this time Egypt was at a golden age until the sixth dynasty where after King Pepy II's death Egypt fell into chaos.
  • Period: 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE

    Mature Harappan

    During this time the Harappans began to construct great cities through urbanization. There were around 1,000 cities from every direction by the end of this era of the Indus River Valley.
  • Period: 2070 BCE to 1600 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    This is the first Chinese dynasty founded by Yu the Great. They developed flood control techniques to stop the Great Flood. There is not very many records regarding this dynasty however that is the largest key take away from the dynasty/era.
  • Period: 2055 BCE to 1786 BCE

    Middle Kingdom (Egypt)

    This is the Middle Era of Ancient Egypt, as with the assassination of the 11th dynasty ruler King Amenemhet I claimed the throne.
    During this era Egypt became aggressive with its foreign relations and became diplomatic with Syria and Palestine. The peak of this era was during Amenemhet III's rule, from 1842-1790 B.C.
  • 1900 BCE

    Assyrians Rise to Power in Mesopotamia

    At this time the Assyrians takes over Mesopotamia until Babylon takes over.
  • Period: 1900 BCE to 1300 BCE

    Late Harappan

    This is the final era of the Harappans, where due to natural disasters, climate change, and a lack of trade relations from their previous diploidic civilizations, Egypt and Mesopotamia they migrated south.
  • 1792 BCE

    Babylon's Control of Mesopotamia

    Hammurabi being the king of Babylon and takes over central Mesopotamia. This lasted until 1595 when the Kassites take over the city of Babylon.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1050 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    This dynasty had large cultural influence in the portion of Northern China in which it covered. It consisted of city-states with palaces, temples and altars that were contained around industrial areas. They used bamboo strips to record nature and writing through pictographs.
  • Period: 1567 BCE to 1085 BCE

    New Kingdom (Egypt)

    Under Ahmose I during the 18th dynasty, Egypt was able to finally be reunited once again. Egypt began control of Nubia and went to war with Palestine, creating the world's first great empire. Amenhotep IV created a religious revolution that was later disbanded after his death. This revolution disbanded the priesthoods dedicated to Amon-Re in exchange for Aton.
  • 1360 BCE

    Assyrians Once Again Control Mesopotamia

    The Assyrians once again take control of Mesopotamia where in 1250 B.C. they developed the use of iron weapons and chariots.
  • 1300 BCE

    Fall of Harappan

    Fall of Harappan
    This era would go on unti 600 B.C. where it was abandoned due to the previoys south migration until Cyrus II eventually invaded India in 530 B.C.
  • Period: 1050 BCE to 256 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou conquered the Shang, expanding the Chinese territory far beyond its previous borders. They would send trustworthy individuals in order to best construct walled garrisons. This dynasty would push for many philosophical ideas such as Confucius and their ideology of Confucianism.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus Takes Control of Babylon

    Cyrus Takes Control of Babylon
    Cryus the Great takes the city of Babylon and frees the Jewish people.
  • 333 BCE

    Fall of Mesopotamia

    Fall of Mesopotamia
    Alexander the Great invades the Persian Empire, taking over Mesopotamia in the process.
  • 332 BCE

    Fall of Egypt

    At this time Alexander the Great of Macedonia defeated Palestine and conqured Egypt where Egypt would be ruled by Macedonian kings. Finally in Cleopatra VII later surrendered to Octavian in 31 B.C.
  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    This dynasty is where the Chinese Empire first formed, and desired to combine the stat walls from the rivaling states into a unified Great Wall. This is when a standardized currency was developed as well as a writing and legal code. Hundreds of thousands of books and 460 Confucian scholars were burned in 213 B.C.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty

    This is considered the golden age in Chinese history where prosperity and stability was thriving. The Silk Road was opened due to the extension of China's territory. Confucianism once again thrived. The name Han was used as the name of Chinese people and the Han Chinese makes up the most dominant ethnic group in China and the world.