
Ancient Civilization

  • Dec 8, 1200

    Inca Economic

    Inca Economic
    Incan state controlled most economic activity. Socialism or a modern welfare state. Citzens were expected to work for the state and were cared for in return. They held public feasts, distrubuting food maize beer for hard workers.
  • Dec 8, 1200

    Inca Social/Cultural

    Inca Social/Cultural
    They worshiped fewer gods than the aztecs. They focused on key nature spirits like the moon, the stars, and thunder. Found ways to relate to each other and to Earth. They sacrificed llamas and exchange of goods.
  • Dec 8, 1200

    Inca Political

    To control the huge empire, the rulers divided their territory and its people into manageable units. They created an efficient economic system to support the empire and an extensive road system to tie it together. Had a single official language
  • Nov 8, 1300

    Aztec Economic

    The island of Tenochtitlán was not the most hospitable place to settle as it lacked arable land for growing food. However, it did offer abundant seafood and aquatic birds, as well as a ready made transportation system for trade with coastal areas