Jan 1, 1100
Genghis Khan
Ghengis Khan is a Mongol ruler who by the name of Temujun. He is known for uniting the many Mongol clans by conquering his enemies.
hHe changed his name to Ghengis Khan iin the year 1206 meaning "Universal Ruler." He was a feirce man in war and his goal was to build a strong empire. -
Jan 1, 1200
Mongols Emerge
The Mongols are one of the most brutal conquers. However they were very efficient in conquering. -
Jan 1, 1207
Mongol Conquering
Much of Asia is counquerd by Ghanges Khan and his army. The Mongol soilders become more educated on fighting and begin using gunpowder. This making them even stronger and more feared. -
Jan 1, 1227
Genghis Khan dies
When Genghis Kahn dies he leaves behind his sons as well as grand sons to rule his empire. His Empire was divided into 4 heirs. Every heir was ruled by either a Kanates or a region. The great heir ruled all 4 heirs. Even after Kahans death his 4 heirs strived on and continued to conquer until they had control of Eurasia. -
Jan 1, 1260
Kublai Khan
Kubali Khan becomes great Khan of the Mongol Empire and defeats the final ruler of the song Dynasty. He did not change the Chinese way of life to drastically although Chinese couldnt hold high gov.positions. Under his rule the grand canal was extended for trading . He was considered the great the greatest Mongol ruler next to Genghis Khan. -
Jan 1, 1278
Marco Polo
Marco Polo arrives in China alongside his dad. They satay here for 17 years exploring china under the request of Kublai Khan. While returning home after the long trip to Venice, Italy Marco Polo is imprisoned. -
Jan 1, 1279
Kublai Conquers
In the year 1297 Kublai Khan, a Mongol leader conquers China and creates the Tuan Dynasty. However this is a rather short lived reign because the dynasty starts to weaken after his death. -
Jan 1, 1294
Kublai Khan dies
There is conflict over the next person to hold the position of throne after his death. These conflicts lead to a weakening in the Yuan rule. On top of this his successor was not the best choice for leader. Floods and High taxes add to difficulties leading to the defeat. -
Jan 1, 1300
Black Death Descends
Descended on the Mongol empire and killed majority of the European population before spreading into Asia and NE. It came in a time of peace. and happiness but that did not last for long. -
Jan 1, 1368
In the year 1386 Kublai Khan's dynasty is defeated by a rebel army. This was the result of floods, Kublai's death and a raise in taxes. These and many more events lead to the weakening of the dyanasty and it's eventual defeat. -
Jan 1, 1368
Last Mingol Empire Conqured
The last Mongol Empire was conqured by a peasent named Zhu Yuan Zhang and his rebel army. However Zhu became known as Hongwu which means vastly martial. From this sprouts the Ming Dynasty in 1664 Ming dynasty collapses. -
Jan 1, 1398
Hongwo Rules
Hongwo dies and Yonglo, his son becomes the next heir to the throne. -
Jan 1, 1398
Hongwos Death
Hongwo dies and Yongol his son becomes ruler. He brings the Ming Dynaasty to knew heights. -
Jan 1, 1400
Fobidden City
The Forbidden city is built To serve the Emporers and his family and servants as well. It was protected by a moat and 35 foot walls. It was called Forbidden because commoners were not allowed to venture inside the walls of the city. -
Dec 12, 1402
Ming Dynasty on the move
Under Yonglo reign he moves capatail to Bejiing. Yonglo's rule lasts from 1402 hrough 1424. Yongol was a rather successful leader. -
Jan 1, 1405
Under Yongols rule seven voyages were sent to spread to China's wayof life. All seven voyages were led by a Muslim man by the name of Zheng He. The farthest reaching voyage was all the wasys to Africa. -
Jan 1, 1500
Ming Isolation
The Ming Dynasty attempts in isolating themselves from the rest of the world. This is because there are many white Christian missonaries traveling the world and the Mings did not want to take part in ths. European traers were also seen as a threat they had to work to prevent the Mongol raiders. Because of this the Great wall of China went under Syrrian rule. -
Jan 1, 1500
Major advancments in irrigation add to farming techniques. They also begin trading for American crops. The improvment of irrigation adds to a boost in their economy and trade. -
Jan 1, 1500
The declinr of the Ming Dynasty occours around the late 1500s. This was a result of weak rules at the throne, causing corruption. -
Jesuit Preist
Jesuit Preis Matteo Ricci was a European man who introduced math and science to the Ming dynasty. He soon learned the Chinese language and customs making him respected in the Ming Dynasty. -
Ming Collapses
Mung Dynasty collapses after a 300 year reign. The dynasty was started by a peasent named Zhu Yuanzhang. -
As the Ming dynasty weakend they were a weak target. The Manchu people then captured the land making bejiing their capatial. They became known as the Qing dynasty. -
Qing Dynasty
Ruled by Kang Xi and Qianlong, they led the Qing dynasty to Knew heights and prosperity. They conqured more land and also expelled taxes on peasents. -
Under Ming and Qin dynasties literature raised to knew heights. A qin writer named Cao Zhan ws of the most famous and he wrote many famous peices as well. -
Qing height
The height of the Qing dynasty was under the rule of Kang Xi's grandson, Qianlong. He as well expanded the dynasty and conqured Mongolia, Taiwan and Tibet. -
Trading Problems
Lord George Macartney comes to Chna to discuss trade however when they see the goods he has brought they expect him to knealbefore their emporer however he refuses resulting in him leaving China. -
Long Reign
The Qing dynasty begins in 1644 and ends in 1911. It lasted about 3,500 years and is the longest lasting imperial court in China.