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Ancient China

  • Period: 1600 BCE to 220

    Ancient China

    Includes dynasties after the Xia dynasty like the Shang dynasty, Zhou dynasty, Qin dynasty, and the Han dynasty.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE

    Shang dynasty

    The first dynasty after Xia and overthrew Xia's last emporer.
  • Period: 1147 BCE to 1102 BCE

    Simuwu Quadripod was made.

    The exact date is not known, but it was made between 1147 and 1102 BC.
  • 1046 BCE

    King Zhou is killed.

    King Zhou was a cruel king and tortured people for his own entertainment, so a lot of people revolted against him. Wenwang had planed an attack against Zhou, but died before he could carry it out. But Wenwang's son, Wuwang, carried out the attack for him and killed King Zhou in 1046 BC, ending the Shang dynasty.
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 256 BCE

    Zhou dynasty

    Overthrew the Shang dynasty thanks to the Shang dynasty's last ruler, Zhou, who started tortured people and made them revolt against him.
  • 656 BCE

    Great wall of china was built.

    Great wall of china was built.
    The great wall was to be built earlier, but uprising conflict delayed it.
  • Period: 256 BCE to 221 BCE

    Waning States Period

    The Zhou dynasty fell apart into a bunch of states and one state, Qin, rose to power and started the Qin dynasty.
  • Period: 221 BCE to 207 BCE

    Qin dynasty

    Gained control after the Zhou dynasty fell apart into a bunch of states and grew power in their own state.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han dynasty

    Gained control because the Qin dynasty was harsh and cruel, so a lot of people revolted against him.
  • 105

    Paper was invented

    Paper was invented
    Paper was most likely the greatest achievement the Han dynasty ever achieved.