Ancient china

  • 2100 BCE

    2100 BCE

    Possible start of Xia Dynasty, China's first dynasty - Ending in 1600 BCE
  • 563 BCE

    563 BCE

    Siddharta Gautama (later known as Buddha) is born; his teachongs will form the basis of Buddhism
  • 221 BCE

    221 BCE

    Start of Qin dynasty and rule China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang - ending in 206 BCE
  • 140 BCE

    140 BCE

    The sixth emperor commences his ruling and making the kingdom 2x bigger than the Roman empire
  • 100 BCE

    100 BCE

    Started to manufacture steel
  • 220

    220 CE

    The Han Dynasty ends and the empire is divided into 3 different kingdoms called Wei, Shu, and Wu and will fight for control for 60 years
  • 690

    690 CE

    Wu Zhao becomes the first women emperor in China's history
  • 1271

    1271 CE

    The first foreign dynasty rule China
  • 1279

    1279 CE

    A fierce nomadic people known as the Mongols take control of China
  • 1644 CE

    The start of the Qing Dynasty the last imperial dynasty in China, and a period of rule by ethnic minority in China known as the Manchu