Ancient China

  • 5 BCE

    8000 - 2205 BC

    Early Chinese settlers build small villages and farm along the major rivers including the Yellow River and the Yangtze River
  • 22

    8 - 22 AD

    The Xin Dynasty overthrows the Han Dynasty for a short period of time
  • 45

    1570 - 1045 BC

    Shang Dynasty
  • 75

    2205 - 1575 BC

    he Chinese learn how to make bronze. The Xia Dynasty becomes the first dynasty in China.
  • 96

    2696 BC

    Rule of the legendary Yellow Emperor. His wife Leizu invented the process of making silk cloth.
  • 256

    1045 - 256 BC

    Zhou Dynasty
  • 551

    551 BC

    Philosopher and thinker Confucius is born
  • 771

    771 BC

    End of the Western Zhou and beginning of the Eastern Zhou. The Spring and Autumn period begins.