Ancient China

  • 220

    China was divided into three smaller kingdoms

  • 400

    Second type of coin

    Second type of coin
    400s BC There were Bronze coins in china in the Chou Dynasty .
  • 500

    The emperor decided that all poor people had to wear blue or black clothers, and only rich poeple could wear colours .

  • 500

    Buddhism first came to China

    Buddhism first came to China
  • Feb 2, 700

    Cinderella in China

    700AD Tuan Cheng-shih wrote a versino of the Cinderella story during the Tang Dynasty .In this version , Yeh-shen was a girl who lived in buring the chin or Han dunasties of ancient China .Yeh-Shen's mother was died,Her only friend was a fish, a beautiful fish with big gold eyes.
  • Feb 2, 707

    Battle or Ruge

    Battle or Ruge
    707BC Leading to reduced power and significance of Western Zhou
  • Feb 2, 1000

    Scince meat were so expensive so people put tofu and bean curd to replace meat .

  • Feb 2, 1100

    Women bind their feet.

    Women bind their feet.
    1100AD In the Sung Dynasty , a fashion started at the emperor's court for women to bind their feet ,women thiugh that to be beaytiful they needed little tiny feet , only about three inches .They have to bind about five or six years old .
  • Feb 2, 1100

    Paper money

    Paper money
    1100AD Under the Sung Dynasty , people had begun to use paper money in China smillar to check .
  • Feb 2, 1500

    People in northern began to eat wheat in the Shang Dynasty

  • First Coin

    1800BC People first used cowrie shells for money in china ,under the Shang Dynasty .
  • Chinese people began to make their wheat and rice into long noddles.

  • How to make bronze

    2000BC People in China learned how to make bronze out of tin and copper.
  • Early Chinese Paper

    Early Chinese Paper
    100BC Paper seems to have been invented around in China .
  • Tea grow wild in China

  • There is archaeological evidence of rice farming along the Yang-tse River

    There is archaeological evidence of rice farming along the Yang-tse River
  • people also put little pieces of meat on their rice

    people also put little pieces of meat on their rice