
Ancient China

  • 150


    Paper was invented in 105 AD. It was a cheap and easy way of keeping records. This invention made printing possible.
  • Period: 150 to 220

    Han dynasty

    The Han last from 206 BC-220 AD. This dynasty lasted for about 400 years.
  • 200

    Buddhism in China

    Buddhism in China
    By AD 200 Buddhist altars stood in the emperor's palace. Elements of Chinese culture changed in response to the new faith. For example, scholars translated Buddhist texts into Chinese. Many Chinese became Buddhist monks and nuns. Artists carved towering statues of Buddha into mountain walls.
  • 220

    Han Dynasty Falls

    Han Dynasty Falls
    The Han Dynasty lasted about 400 years. The Han dynasty had many important achivements in art, literature, science, and medicine. It also had many inventions like the sundial and seismograph.
  • Period: 400 to

    Age of Buddhism

    This golden age of Buddhism came to an end when a Tang emperor launched a campain aginst Buddhism. He destored books that had to do with Buddhism, took land from Buddhist temples, and turned some Buddhist temples into schools.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Gunpower invention

    Gunpower invention
    Historians still don't know the exact date of the invention of gunpowder but they believe it was invented in the late Tang dynasty or early Song dynasty. Gunpowder was used for fireworks or signals but was rarely used for a weapon in this time period.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Mongols United

    Mongols United
    Amoung the nomadic people who attaked the Chinese were the Mongols. For centuries, the Mongols had lived as separate tribes. The in 1206, an powerful leader named Temujin united them. He was given the title Genghis Khan which means "Universal Ruler".
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Song dynasty ends

    Song dynasty ends
    The Song dynasty lasted until 1279 AD. Like the Tang dynasty, the Song dynasty was a time of great acomplistments. In the Song dynasty, advancements reached new heights, ecspecailly in farming.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Yuan dynasty begins

    Yuan dynasty begins
    In 1260 Kublai Khan became ruler of the Mongol Empire. In 1279 he started the Yuan dynasty. Some people called the Yuan dynasty the Mongol Ascendacy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1279 to Jan 1, 1368

    Yuan dynasty

    The Yuan dynasty lasted from about 1279 AD to about 1368 AD.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    End of Yuan Empire

    End of Yuan Empire
    Despite thier vast empire, the Mongols were not content with thier lands. The Mongols decided to invade Japan.. A Mongol army sailed to Japan but the campaigns were disasterous. Most of the Mongols force was distroyed.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Ming dynasty begins

    Ming dynasty begins
    Ming China proved to be one of the most stable and prosperous times in Chinese history. The Ming expanded China's fame overseas and sponsored incredible building projects across China.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1368 to

    Ming dynasty

    The Ming dynasty lasted from 1368 AD to 1644 AD. That is about 300 years.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1405 to Jan 1, 1433

    Sailing of Zheng He

    He led seven grand voyages to places all over Asia. He was known as the greatest sailor of the Ming dynasty.
  • Sui dynasty begins

    Sui dynasty begins
    In 589 Yang Jian conquered the south,unified China, and created the Sui dynasty. This dynasty begain the Grand Canal, which was a canal linking northern and southern China.
  • Sui dynasty ends

    Sui dynasty ends
    The Sui dynasty only lasted from 589-618 AD. During this time,its leaders restored oder to China.
  • Tang dynasty begins

    Tang dynasty begins
    A new dynasty in China arose in 618 when a former Sui offical overthrew the old government.The Tang dynasty ruled for about 300 years. Historians called the Tang dynasty the golden age of Chinese civilization. Some rulers were Taizong, Xuanzong, and Empress Wu. She was the only women to rule in China.
  • Tang dynasty ends

    Tang dynasty ends
    The period of disorder after the fall of the Tang dynasty was know as Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. It was only 53 years after the fall of the Tand dynasty, until another dynasty rises in 960 AD.
  • Five Dynasties and Ten Kingoms period begins

    Five Dynasties and Ten Kingoms period begins
    After the Tang dynasty fell, China entered a brief period of chaos and disoder, with seperate kingdoms competing for power. This time was known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. It lasted 53 years.
  • Song dynasty begins

    Song dynasty begins
    In 960 AD, China was again reunified. This time China was reunified by the Song dynasty. Like the Tang dynasty, this dynasty lasted for about 300 years.
  • First Book

    First Book
    The worlds first known book was mad in China in 868 AD. Woodblock printing and paper were used to make the first book the world had ever seen.
  • Paper money

    Paper money
    Paper money was invented in China around 900 AD. Since paper money was lighter than medal coins, it was easy to manage peoples growing health.
  • Period: to

    Sui dynasty

    The Sui dynasty lasted for about 29 years.It was a very short dynasty.
  • Period: to

    Tang dynasty

    This dynasty lasted from 618-907c. AD. The Tang dynasty lasted for about 300 years.
  • Period: to

    Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

    This time period only lasted for about 53 year. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms lasted from 907-960c.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1279

    Song dynasty

    The Song dynasty lasted for about 300 years. It began in 960 AD and ended in 1279 AD.