ancient astronomers

  • Period: 127 BCE to 141 BCE

    caludius ptolemy

    His research led him to believe that the moon, mercury, venus, and the sun revolved around the earth. This is important because we know today that the sun is centered and everything revolves around it.
  • Period: 85 BCE to 165 BCE


    He was the very first to determine the tilt of the earth´s axis and calculated the distance from the Earth to the Moon and to the Sun just not as accurate as today.
  • Period: 1508 to 1514

    nicolaus copernicus

    he discovered that the sun was in the center of the planets and they revolve around them annually. This changed the way we viewed our solar system forever.
  • 1572

    tycho brahe

    he discovered a bright new star in the constellation Cassiopeia from an observatory he set up at Herrevad Abbey. It was named ¨Tycho's Supernova¨ after him for the detailed study.
  • johannes kepler

    He discovered that the sun is centered and the earth and other planets have elliptical orbits that revolve around the sun. This allowed us to view our solar system better and have more understanding of what goes on.
  • Period: to

    sir isaac newton

    he discovered gravity and how it worked by watching an apple fall from a tree and he asked himself why didn´t it go any other way? This is so important because gravity it everything and it is everywhere. It gives us a better understanding in how our universe works.
  • Period: to

    albert einstein

    He said that energy and matter are the same just in different forms. He also discovered the theory of relativity that led to the expansion of the origin of the universe.