Ancient Astronomers

  • Period: 276 BCE to 195 BCE


  • 240 BCE

    Eratosthenes' Measurement of Earth

    Eratosthenes' Measurement of Earth
    Eratosthenes' is most famous for his accurate measurement of the Earth. This is important because it shows the combination of math and physics in astronomy.
  • Period: 100 to 170

    Claudius Ptolemy

  • 150

    Ptolemy's Geocentric Model

    Ptolemy's Geocentric Model
    Ptolemy created a geocentric model of the solar system showing that Earth was at the center. This is important because it was the way the solar system was observed for hundreds of years.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

  • 1514

    Copernicus' Heliocentric Model

    Copernicus' Heliocentric Model
    Copernicus creates his heliocentric model of the solar system. This is important because it changed the theory from the Earth being the center to the Sun.
  • Period: Dec 14, 1546 to

    Tycho Brache

  • Period: Dec 27, 1571 to

    Johannes Kepler

  • 1572

    Brache's Star Discovery

    Brache's Star Discovery
    Brache discovered a new star. This is important because he used the next 15 years to create better instruments to better measure stars.
  • Kepler's Laws of Motion

    Kepler's Laws of Motion
    Kepler released the first two of 3 laws of motion: that planets have elliptical orbits and they travel at different speeds throughout their orbits. This is important because it changed the view of orbits from circles to ellipticals.
  • Period: to

    Sir Issac Newton

  • Newton's Laws of Motion

    Newton's Laws of Motion
    Newton's 3 laws of motion are released. This is important because it built upon Kepler's laws and helped explain gravitational forces.
  • Period: to

    Albert Einstein

  • Einstein's General Relativity

    Einstein's General Relativity
    Einstein began working on general relativity. This is important because it helps us understand black holes.