Ancient Astronomers

  • 255 BCE


    Eratosthenes discovered a system of longitude and latitude and made a map of the known world. He made this discovery around 255bc.
    He made this discovery because
    Eratosthenes was fascinated with geography and planned to make a map of the entire world.
  • 41

    Claudius Ptolemy

    Claudius made the observation that the moon ,mercury , Venus and the sun revolved around the earth . This happened on January 24 41,Claudius said that because of his own observations and findings
  • May 24, 1514

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus discovered that the earth rotates around its axis and suggested that it is the earth that revolves around the sun . This discovery was made around the 1510
  • Nov 11, 1572

    Tycho Brahe

    Tyhcho discovered the new star in 1590 e1 . He made observations of a supernova (literally: nova= "new star") in 1572 (we now know that a supernova is an exploding star, not a new star).-the observation of tycho
  • Johannes Kepler

    Kepler discovered the Kepler Telescope .He made this discovery in 1611. He also discover Kepler laws .He made this discovery when he published his first to laws in 1929.
  • Elbert enstein

    Albert Einstein is justly famous for devising his theory of relativity.He discovers the equation e=mc2
    He discovered the equation on November 25 1915.
    Albert made this discovery when he released the Einstein equations.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Newton discovered newtons method.That was discovered in 1985 when he published it .Newtons discovery sparked when he did the apple incident .