Ancient Astronimers Timeline

  • 240 BCE

    The measure of Earth

    Eratosthenes used the Sun to measure the Earth when everyone thought the Earth was flat, he was only 211 miles away from the true measurement.
  • Period: 127 BCE to 141 BCE

    Ptolemaic System

    Claudius Ptolemy represented the epitome of knowledge of Grecian astronomy.
  • 1543

    Model of the Solar System

    Nicolaus Copernicus made a model of the Solar System in which the Earth revolved around the Sun, this changed the way many scientists viewed the solar system.
  • Period: 1546 to

    Earth was the center of the universe

    Tycho Brahe labored to proof that Earth was the center of the universe and his data was eventually used by Kepler
  • The three Laws of Planetary motion

    With Johannes Keplers' laws of Planetary motion he was able to predict the future positions of planets with much greater accuracy.
  • Period: to

    Laws of Motion

    Sir Isaac Newton published "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" which is perhaps the greatest scientific work in history.
  • Period: to


    Albert Einstein proposed a new way of looking at the universe that went beyond current understanding