7000 BCE
Grece: Minoan civilization
1.•Farming villages began to appear in Crete.
2.Trade routes spread out from the Middle East in search of copper. -
2000 BCE
Minoan civilization
•The palace conplexes dotted ancient Crete,it star to build around 2000. BCE -
1500 BCE
This period is marked by the effective cultivation of crops such as corn (maize), beans, chile peppers and cotton; the emergence of pottery, fine art and graphic symbols used to record Olmec history, society and culture; and the establishment of larger cities such as San Lorenzo -
1400 BCE
Minoan civilization
•the palace of Knossos collapsed, its inhabitants dispersed. -
1300 BCE
Mycenaean Civilization
•Mycenaeans control the Aegean. •The war against Troy was the last feat of the Mycenaean Age. -
753 BCE
•Roman Empire Begun in 753 BCE brothers Romulus and Remus, Romulus kills Remus and Romulus transform in the 1st governant of Rome. -
600 BCE
Monolithic stone architecture at Tiwanaku by Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. -
600 BCE
Rise of large cities and empires at Huari in Peruvian Highlands. -
509 BCE
Rome becomes a republic: The last king is expelled and Rome is ruled by senators. -
430 BCE
Classical Grece
•A lethal plague spread through Athens and killed most of the population. -
146 BCE
Romans control all the Greek city states. They control the Mediterranean. -
100 BCE
The TAIRONA culture was born. -
60 BCE
Julius Caesar and two other generals take control of the Roman government. -
27 BCE
Roman empire begins:Octavius appoints himself "Augustus", which means the first emperor of Rome. -
the Chibcha civilization expands from the northern Andes, the high plains of the Eastern Sierra of Colombia.