New disease was discovered in Minamata City in Japan
American biologist Rachel Carson’s influential book Silent Spring was published
NASA’s Apollo 8 mission
massive oil spill in Santa Barbara
Earth day was founded
United Nations first major conference on environmental issues.
the Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth
Greenpeace was founded and made its name.
James Lovelock’s book Gaia proposed the hypothesis that the Earth is a living organism, with self-regulatory mechanisms that maintain climatic and biological conditions
Greenpeace made even bigger headlines with anti-nuclear testing campaign
The Union Carbide pesticide plant in the India
The sinking of Greenpeace’s flagship
Reactor number four at the Chernobyl exploited
Report by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) was published
These early initiatives ultimately led to the Rio Earth
Earth Summit was followed up 10 years later
United Nations Conferences on Environment and Development rio de Janeiro, Brasil
An Inconvenient truth examined the issue surrounding climate change and increased awareness of environmental concerns
Both the CBD and UNFCCC are legally binding conversations
Earthquake in northern Japan caused a tsunami
UN conference on sustainable Development took place to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit
Both the CBD and UNFCCC are legally binding conversations