A Timeline of Silent Abyss

  • POD

    The Point of Divergence, the year where the Silent Abyss' history stops following the same course of events as ours.
  • Period: to

    The Sundering (the Great War)

    The Great War now known as the Sundering to most people was the first modern global conflict between two large alliances in Europe. It was one of the most devastating wars of the time killing 17 million, and causing the dissolution of certain empires and the creation of others.
  • Period: to

    Reconciliation and Reconstruction

    The Era of Reconciliation and Reconstruction colloquially called the Interwar Period, was characterized by efforts to mend public trust that had been shattered by years of brutal war. Governments across Europe attempted this in various ways, some choosing to focus on rebuilding critical infrastructure while others worked on forming trade networks. The Sundering had been concluded by a series of peace treaties, leaving both relief and lingering resentment in their wake.
  • Period: to

    The Twilit War Phase I: The German Civil War

    While economic hardship, food shortages, and rationing were mostly ignored or swept aside due to the ongoing war and nationalistic fervor following its end the German people began to make their grievances known. Naval mutinies, popular unrest, and general disorder resulted in the forced abdication of the Kaiser and the formation of the Weimar Republic. With its endorsement of the Treaty of Versailles, the new state's acceptance among its people dropped rapidly.
  • Period: to

    The Twilit War Phase II: The War of Black Skies

    Following the German Civil War and its expansion into all of Europe, the great powers of Europe were humbled. Eager to return to stability, the subsequent armistice was quickly ratified alongside the rushed Treaty of Salzburg excluding the Soviet Union from the discussions. The Soviets having endured the bloodiest battles during the war, were outraged not only with the terms of the treaty but also that they were excluded from formulating it.
  • Period: to

    The 1st Lunar Landings and SALT III

    The longstanding space race between the global superpowers escalates to a new stage after the U.S. spacecraft Apollo 8 successfully lands three American astronauts on the lunar surface, yet this was quickly followed by the Soviet spacecraft Soyuz 13 successfully landing on the lunar surface only 3 years later. As both powers continued to battle over orbital achievements, the countries would eventually come to an agreement coinciding with detente policies leading to SALT III.
  • Expedition into Deep Space

    The foundations for the Deep Space Expedition Project (DSEP), had been laid a decade prior with the collaborative atmosphere spawned by the success of SALT III. With a shared interest in the anomaly and improved relations, DSEP began in earnest around 1982, it took four years for the design of the Exploratory Research Vessel (E.R.V.) to be finalized. Arriving in 1992, the E.R.V. and its crew began their task to study the anomaly.
  • Soviet Decline

  • Conference of the Parties

  • International Conservation and Sustainability Foundation (ICSF)

    With several island nations struggling from the effects of sea-level rise, millions starving due to droughts across the globe, and developing and developed nations blatantly ignoring fossil fuel limits, the world of the 21st century seemed doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. In 2004, the United Nations convened in an emergency session to address several issues impacting the globe including ongoing conflicts, the effects of global warming, and discussing the findings of the IPCC report.
  • Creation of the International Civil Space Organization (ICSO)

    As political tensions across the world eased, numerous countries gained access to aerospace technology and space programs previously limited to the wealthiest and most powerful nations through the United Nations' growing power and influence. To ensure the emerging industries in orbit and countries with newfound space programs would not abuse the Outer Space Treaty, the United Nations organized a new branch of international organizations eponymously named the Extrasolar Exploration Initiative.
  • Period: to

    Formation of the Interstellar Mapping Society

  • Dawn of the Interstellar Era

    An arbitrary date set by historians.
  • Period: to

    The Surge

    The Surge is the contemporary name given by historians to a period of rapid sea-level rise in the mid-21st century, considered the most catastrophic ecological disaster in human history, leading to the deaths of almost 300 million people worldwide. There are several competing theories that have significant evidence for causing the Surge though the most accepted theory involves manmade climate change.
  • Period: to

    The Marie Byrd Wars

    Unlike other conflicts around and within the Antarctic, the Marie Byrd Wars are instead considered to be a series of guerilla conflicts and skirmishes due to the nature of the battles that took place and because no official declaration of war was or would be made. Initial fighting broke out between settlers sent by countries with vague territorial claims in Antarctica and "squatters", refugees from countries severely impacted by the effects of anthropogenic climate change.
  • Period: to

    The Hyperspace Odyssey

    After over a half-century of research, development, and advancement, the LASE Anomaly and the Hyperspace within it is now safe for manned exploration missions. Several decades later, adverse side effects of long-term hyperspace travel would be discovered including but not limited to... (list side effects here). In 2062, the first manned expedition into Hyperspace was conducted with a small survey craft sent into the LASE Anomaly arriving around a gas giant in orbit of Proxima Centauri.
  • Period: to

    1st Exodus - Foundation of the Corporate Worlds

    With environmental degradation, decreased quality of life, and fewer opportunities much of the younger population across the globe begin to emigrate from Earth to other worlds across the solar system. This period was later named the 1st Exodus (colloquially called the Solar Diaspora), much of the population between the ages of 18 - 35, lingering climate refugees, and numerous talented individuals emigrated from Earth in favor of rising Lunar and later Martian colonies.
  • Arctic Sea Crisis

  • AI Ethics Debate

  • Period: to

    The "Celestial Symphony"

  • The Concord Terraforming Accords

  • Period: to

    Anti-Corporate Movements and Martian Autonomy

  • Period: to

    Interplanetary Strife and Diplomacy

  • The Lunar Shift

  • Period: to

    The Marsh War

  • Period: to

    The 2nd Exodus - Interstellar Diaspora

  • Formation of the Interstellar Assembly of Nations (IAN)

    A spiritual successor to the United Nations on Earth, the IAN is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain international peace and security, develop and maintain amicable relations among nation-states and planet-states, achieve universal cooperation, and be the center for solving disputes and conflicts within the Solar Neighborhood.
  • Aeonic Diaspora (Kotimaan Hegira)

    In early 2193, a comet is detected to be on a collision course for Kotimaailma. The Kotimaans try everything to stop it, diverting it away, splitting it apart, and even destroying it, but it was all in vain. As the comet approaches, the Kotimaans begin to build a great fleet, leaving in groups of twelve, the ships departed into orbit around Kotimaa. On March 6th, 2194 the comet breaches the atmosphere of Kotimaa and crashes into the Southern Continent. So begins the Kotimaan Hegira.
  • Expansion of the Extrasolar Administrative Authority (EAA)

  • Period: to

    The Dust Wars

    Unlike the previous two Extrasolar conflicts, the Third Extrasolar War was fought between the Reach and the Core Worlds. With the assassination of Simon Fadelli, the Outer Reach entered into a full revolution against the Major Powers. While the war had for the most part been over since 2412, the Major Powers finally acquiesced to the demands of the Outer Reach and on September 9th, 2421 the Fadelli Plan was ratified by all leaders of the Major Powers.
  • Present Day

    The term "present-day" or "present day" is used to describe the approximate period of time that surrounds the present.