TimeToast Activity Baccol St. Paul

By Mairuzu
  • 470 BCE

    Ancient Greek Ethics: Socrates (399 - 470)

    Ancient Greek Ethics: Socrates (399 - 470)
    A man that was a Classical Greek (Athenian), as a young person in battle , he imposed his bravery many times in battles , Socrates showed a (daimonion) divine sign or in simpler terms an inner voice in which produced prohibitory messages in periods of the Socratic spells
  • 430 BCE

    Ethical Philosopher: Augustine (354- 430)

    Ethical Philosopher: Augustine (354- 430)
    He was the fourth Century Roman African philosopher, with his great knowledge he managed to infused Christian Doctrine and Neoplatonism. In which he believed that God is the beginning and the end of everything in existence , where love is the highest attribute of God
  • 384 BCE

    Ancient Greek Ethics : Aristotle (484-322 BCE)

    Ancient Greek Ethics : Aristotle (484-322 BCE)
    Aristotle is seen very highly or has a highly figure in ancient Greek Philosophy , where his knowledge contributed many things such to logic, rhetoric, criticism , biology ,physics ,metaphysics ,ethics, mathematics and politics.
  • 348 BCE

    Ancient Greek Ethics: Plato (428-348 BCE)

    Ancient Greek Ethics: Plato (428-348 BCE)
    A philosopher in Classical Greek , he kept a mindset where virtue-based eudamonistic conception of ethics. meaning that happiness or well being (eudaimonia) is the highest aim of moral thought and conduct, and the virtues(arete.' excellence')are the skill needed to acquire it
  • René Descartes

    René Descartes
    Descartes was promoted as the first modern philosopher. he is famous for having a great connection in geometry and algebra . which helped solving geometrical and algebraic problems . but Descartes was more known for his book although it was a short work it was popular named Meditatones de Prima Philosophia (Meditations on first Philosophy) in 1641