The Yellowstone Act
Congress passed the Yellowstone Act, making Yellowstone the first national park "dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people" and "for the preservation, from injury or spoliation, of all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonders. . . and their retention in their natural condition." This was the first National Park ever created in the United States. This started a legacy of National Parks for the preservation of trees -
Bison: Are they Safe?
In his annual message to Congress, President Roosevelt suggested, “provisions should be made for preservation of the bison,” calling it a “real misfortune” should the species become extinct. The American bison population, once 70 million, had dwindled to fewer than 300. Because of this message and the idea to preserve the bison, bison did not go into extinction. Others were inspired by the preservation of the bison to try and save other endangered species. -
Hydroelectricity vs. Niagra Falls
Congress passed the Burton Act, which preserved Niagra Falls from hydroelectric power facilities. This saved Niagara Falls for everyone to enjoy. It made people realize more how our wonders of the world must be kept safe. -
The National Park Service: Hooray!
Congress established the National Park Service. Today there are approximately 400 national parks across America, comprising approximately 4% of the entire U.S., or 84.6 billion acres of preserved land. The National Park Service has preserved 84.6 billion acres of land so far, and will probably be the groundwork of more parks. -
Emergency Conservation Work Act
As part of his New Deal plan during the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt asked Congress to pass the Emergency Conservation Work Act. Under the Act, thousands of unemployed young men were recruited into a “peacetime army” called the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), also known as “Roosevelt’s tree army.” Their job was to protect against erosion and the destruction of natural resources. CCC camps existed in every state. (Ran out of space here... Sorry...) -
Aaah! The Dustbowl!
Congress passed the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act in an effort to control Dust Bowl storms, erosion, land use and conservation. Over 100,000,000 acres of U.S. prairie land were affected by the Dust Bowl. The catastrophe inspired the largest migration of Americans in U.S. history, as 2.5 million Dust Bowl refugees moved away from the prairie. (Space limit was used up... Sorry) -
Save the Bald Eagle!
Congress passed the Bald Eagle Preservation Act to prevent the extinction of the national symbol. The bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list in 2007. The Bald Eagle is the United State’s national symbol, making it all the more important to save the species. This saved the Bald Eagle from becoming extinct, and it helped keep it from being endangered as well. -
Antarctic Treaty
The Antarctic Treaty protected Antarctica from the dumping of nuclear waste. To date, 46 countries, including the United States and the former Soviet Union have signed the treaty. This is one of the few international world preservation treaties that works so well for so many countries. Antarctica and the ocean around it is protected from nuclear waste. -
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill dumped 11 million gallons of oil, devasting Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska, and images of oil-soaked ocean life flood American homes. Spill results in Exxon vs. Baker. This is one of the most devastating oil spills to date-- Its effects still affecting the lives of many Alaskans. The oil spill affected the flora and fauna of Alaska and it’s surrounding area. The wildlife in great danger. -
Environmentalists? Oh, please.
A gallup poll found that 76% of Americans considered themselves “environmentalists.” This is a wake up call to those who think they are environmentalists and those who are. This shows many people care about the environment, but maybe will show that people need to take more action...