An Age Of Reform

  • First Shaker community established in upstate New York

    First Shaker community established in upstate New York
    This was a religious group that was trying to escape from a society that was very sinful. They had an important impact on the outside world and at their peak, the group was more than 5,00 members. Because of their beliefs, they kept sexes divided and didn’t acknowledge individual accumulation of land.
  • American Colonization Society Founded

    American Colonization Society Founded
    This organization was created in support of the colonization of freed black to Africa. Liberia became the place slaves would be shipped to and was supported by James Madison. African Americans opposed the idea because they insisted they were Americans and were entitles to same freedoms as whites.
  • New Harmony

    New Harmony
    This was a community founded in Indiana by British industrialist Robert Owen and it was one of the experimental communities that influence the labor movement, educational reforms, and women's rights advocates.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    This was the movement to limit heavy drinking that had negative affect on the economy. To reform was to be morally responsible and take accountability for your live, and this was a growing movement during the time period and spread to drinking. This gained hostility and even an amendment in the constitution banning it later.
  • Feminism - The Free Woman - journal established in 1832 to support feminist movement

    Feminism - The Free Woman - journal established in 1832 to support feminist movement
    An international movement that described that women deserved individual choices and possibility of self realizization. The Free Women, a journal established in 1832, said “Women alone will say what freedom they want.” As we know, this movement granted lots of freedoms and social rights to women and it is still being fought today.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society Established

    American Anti-Slavery Society Established
    This was an abolitionist society created by William Lloyd Garrison at a time of increased movements due to the new printing capability and education. This was a successful and impactful organization that started in 1833 and led to over 100,000 members (of all backgrounds) to join the cause.
  • Congress adopts the “gag rule”

    Congress adopts the “gag rule”
    This was a law passed by the Southern congress which made talk of abolition or anti-slavery arguments in congress illegal. This was just another way to try to silence the conversation and reform.
  • “gentleman of property and standing” - Elijah Lovejoy died and became movements first martyr

    “gentleman of property and standing” - Elijah Lovejoy died and became movements first martyr
    These were merchants with close commercial ties to the South that feared the abolitionist movement would disrupt Union and the economic state of it. They lead violent mobs and eventually created a martyr for the cause by killing Elijah P. Lovejoy (an anti slavery editor).
  • Liberty Party

    Liberty Party
    This was a political party that started during the two party system in the 1840’s (this was a third party). The party’s main platform was bringing an end to slavery by political and legal means. They eventually decided to not waste a vote for third party because they didn’t get enough support.
  • Brook Farm Established

    Brook Farm Established
    This was a utopian community in which the founders envisioned a harmonious blend of physical labor, intellectual work, and leisure. This was just another example of what a community could look like with the visions of transcendentalists.
  • Dorthea Dix

    Dorthea Dix
    She was a teacher in Massachusetts who led the reform of treating the insane more humane. This had massive effects not only to mental health sigma but also to the double standard of prostitutes and abused women at the time.
  • Oneida

    This was another community in this time period and was founded by John Humphrey in 1848. They abandoned traditional marriage and private property. This was a strict system that regulated things like child birth and sex; it seemed to some as voluntary slavery.
  • Seneca Falls - woman suffrage

    Seneca Falls - woman suffrage
    Woman's suffrage was the movement in order to get woman the right to vote. The Seneca falls convention was the beginning of the 70 year long struggle for this right and was sometimes paired with the abolitionist struggle in talk of “freedom”.”
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    This was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and heavily influence Englands view of the Deep South and slavery. It promoted abolition and was very impactful in sectional conflict and the movement by giving it a powerful human appeal.
  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    This was a social reform effort that promoted idea of having all children educated in a common place regardless of class or background. This influenced a lot of education in todays time and it was tax supported.