Amy's Literacy Timeline

  • Period: to


  • First Book - Good Night Moon

    My mother told me that the first book that she read to me was Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.
  • Nursery Rhymes and Singing Songs

    For the next few years my mother would recite nursery rhymes and sing songs to me and my twin sister. She told me that I would not sit and read along to books but I would love to sing and act out the movements to the songs and nursery rhymes she would tell.
  • Early Elementary School

    Although I do not remember the first book that I read, I do remember reading books such as Morris The Moose Goes To School by Bernard Wiseman, Fred and Ted by Peter Eastman, and Danny The Dinosaur by Syd Hoff with my mother. I enjoyed this time with my mother, each of us taking our time reading to each other and discussing what was happening in the story. I can remember how excited I was going to the library and finding new books to read.
  • Later Elementary School

    During this time I really enjoyed reading books such a Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish and Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park. Both of these books are series books which had characters that I could related to. I also received a book during this time called Ranger Rick's Answer Book that I loved. I still have this book today! The book is about questions and answers about animals, plants, weather, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
  • Middle School

    During this time I went to a Catholic School and I only can remember reading passages from the Bible and text book materials. Even though I did not like the reading the materials the school provided, I did still enjoy going to the library and getting books such as The Babysitter Club, Judy Blume, and Nancy Drew.
  • High School

    During my high school years I remember taking a Shakespeare's class and reading the required books for the class such as Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo ad Juliet. I found these books uninteresting and ended up getting CiffsNotes to help me understand what was going on in the story and to help with assignments. On my free time I enjoyed reading short teenage romance stories and Reader's Digest.
  • Before Having Children

    During the late 80's and early 90's I enjoyed reading books from the author Danielle Steel. I enjoyed these books because the stories were intertwined with romance and mystery. I also continued looking forward to each month when I would received the Reader's Digest magazine.
  • Reading to my Daughter

    After my daughter was born I would read her touch and feel books such as Fuzzy Yellow Duckling by Matthew Van Fleet. I remember reading this book almost on a daily basis when she was a toddler, as this was her favorite book.
  • My Father's Recommendations

    In the 2000's my father had recommended for me to read Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet In Heaven both by Mitch Albom. I absolutely loved reading both of these books! It made me stop and think about life. I can't remember any other book or story that me cry as much as these.
  • Reading to my Son

    I would read to my son the same touch and feel books. I remember as he got older we would read books together alternating reading each paragraphs. Even though it has been awhile since I have read a book I still continue to read the Reader's Digest each month that I receive.