At-mon, also known as Amos, was taken by the whites and was to be autioned at a slave auction. -
Amos Fortune was autioned at the aution and went for a price of 30 pounds. Caleb Copeland was the one who had bought him. -
Amos worked as a tanner for Ichabod Richardson for twenty years and more. -
Amos bought Lydia at an aution for 50 pounds! -
Amos and Violet build a house along with a barn, and bought a new horse. -
Amos went to Deacon Spofford and asked that when Amos dies if Deacon can purchase a silver communion service, and also gave Deacon the rest of the money from his iron kettle to purchase anything the down needs to educate it's sons and daughters -
Amos Fortune's Death
Amos died on this day.