
By myles_h
  • steamboat willie

    steamboat willie
    steamboat willie was the first animation to actually feature sound.
  • snow white

    snow white
    snow white was the first animated film that used drawing so they drew the whole movie.
  • flintstones

    the flintstones was the first animated cartoon that was on prime tv
  • 101 dalmatians

    101 dalmatians
    101 dalmatians used a copy and paste like thing for all the dogs
  • who framed roger rabbit

    who framed roger rabbit
    who framed roger rabbit mixed 2d animation with live action
  • jurassic park

    jurassic park
    jurassic park was the first movie to use animatronics
  • avatar

    avatar was the first movie to have mega cgi where they basically use green people and a lot of trackers to make people into animated things