Amity's Greek timeline

By Amity
  • 500


    Cleisthens took power around 500 BC. He broke the power of the nobility by organizing citzens into ten groups based on where they lived rather than wealth. He increased the power of assembly by allowing all citzens to submit laws for debute and passage. He also created a council of 500.
  • Feb 5, 621


    Darco took power in 621 BC. He developed a legal code based on that idea that all Athens were equal under the law. The code dealt with crimminals and making death punishments for practically every crime.
  • Solon

    Solon came into power in 594 BC. He started a law stating that no citzen should own another citzen. He outlawed debt slavery. He also organized all citzens into 4 social groups according to wealth. Only members of the top three classes could hold political office. All citzens could participate in Athenian assembly. He introduced the legal concept that any citzen could bring charges against wrong doers.