• Henery ford

    Henery ford
    Henry Ford's career as a builder of automobiles dated from the winter of 1893 when his interest in internal combustion engines led him to construct a small one-cylinder gasoline model. The first Ford engine sputtered its way to life on a wooden table in the kitchen of the Ford home at 58 Bagley Avenue in Detroit.sold the first Ford Model A on July 23, 1903.
  • WW1

  • Lusitania

    The Lusitania ship was torpitoed by a German u boat
    First voyaged 1907
  • Great migration act

    1916-1930 and 1930-1970 the great migration saw a total of six million African Americans leave the south
  • First women elected to congress

    First women elected to congress
    423 women have served as U.S representatives, delegates, resident, commissioners, or senators
  • Espionage act

    Prohibited obtaining information about national defense
  • Selective service act

    Selective service act
    The act eventually required all men between the ages of 21 to 45 to register for military service.
  • Lenin led a Russian revolutions

    The bolshevik seized power and destroyed the tradition of czarist rule
  • Sedition act

    Prohibited citizens to spread rumors about the government
  • Influenza flue epidemic

    The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin.
  • Wilson’s 14 point

    The Fourteen Points was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I.
  • Wilson’s presidency term

    Women received the right to vote with the passing of the 19th amendment
  • Us senate rejects treaty of Versailles

    In 1919 the senate rejected the treaty of varsailles which formally ended world war 1
  • Schenk vs us

    Charles schenck was charged under the espionage act for mailing printed circulars critical of the military draft
  • 19th amendment

    Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.
  • AMC theater

    AMC theater
    AMC Theatres was formed in 1920 by Maurice, Edward, and Barney Dubinsky, who had been traveling the Midwest performing melodramas and tent shows with actress Jeanne Eagels. They purchased the Regent Theatre on 12th Street between Walnut and Grand in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
  • Teapot dome scandal

    Albert fall was taking brides from oil company’s to allow them to control government oil reserve
  • Mechanical tv

    Mechanical tv
    Scottish inventor John Logie Baird in 1925 built some of the first prototype video systems, which employed the Nipkow disk. On March 25, 1925, Baird gave the first public demonstration of televised silhouette images in motion, at Selfridge's Department Store in London.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in US history. It began in 1929 and did not abate until the end of the 1930s. The stock market crash of October 1929 signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. By 1933, unemployment was at 25 percent and more than 5,000 banks had gone out of business.
  • Einstein refrigerator

    Einstein refrigerator
    In 1930, Einstein and Leo Szilard designed a refrigerator that required no electricity and had no moving parts.