December 7th 1942-1945
The war between America and Japan lasted from December 7th 1942-1945 -
December 13th 1943
A surgeon operates on a soldier wounded by a sniper in an underground room -
February 1944
A marine solider comes out of ruble from nights of terrors -
March 1944
A tank moves on as soldiers hide behind it for cover. -
May 17 1944
America troops storm Wakde Island -
January 1945
The USS PENNSYLVANIA moves into Lingayen Gulf to land on Luzon in the Philippines. -
February 17 1945
Pilots receive last minute info before attacking military installations in Tokyo -
May 11th 1945
USS BUNKER HILL was hit by to bombs in less than 30 seconds resulting in 372 dead and 264 injured. -
Americas war with Japan
August 15th 1945 Emperor Hirohtio announces Japans surrender. -
November 1943
Soldiers lift a fellow soldier out of a Navy torpedo plane after an air raid on Rabual