America's Emergence as a Global Power

  • Period: to

    Time of population growth

  • The Chinease Exclusion Act

    congress created an act to impose a ten year ban on the immigration of chinease laborers. the act mandated that for chinease workers that want to reenter the United States, must first obtain "certificates of return".
  • Exclusion law Amendments

    Congress broadened the Exclusion act of 1882 to now include not only workers, but all persons of Chinease descent, wether they lived in China or not.
  • Scott Act

    Congress yet again created an act that prohibited chinease laborers from entering the United States. only in this case, it applied to all Chinease persons that left the United states for any reason. It also canceled all "certificates of return," so even persons who left the United States before the act was passed, could not come back.
  • Geary Act

    at this time, the Chinease exclusion act was meant to expire but to keep that from happening, Congress passed the Geary Act. this act extended all of the previous exclusion laws by ten years time. it did this by requiring Chinease persons in the United States to carry a "certificate of Residence" at all times.
  • Indefinitely Extended

    in the year of 1902 Congress officially indefinitely extended all previous Chinease Exclusion laws.
  • Permanent

    two years after indefinitely extending all of the Chinease Exclusion laws, Congress came back to them once again and made the laws permanent.
  • The Repeal

    61 years after creating the first Exclusion Act, Congress repealed all laws relating to the exclusion and deportation of the Chinese. Congress permitted 105 persons of Chinese descent to immigrate into the United States each year, and enabled persons of Chinese descent to become American citizens.