1880s Cowboys
• The reason for the cattle trade to begin was the start of the civil war which increased the demand for beef
• Beef prices in the north east were about 10x as much as they were in the south
• Cattle were available to anyone who could herd them together
• Cowboys would drive sometimes thousands of heads of cattle at a time from the west to the east for profit
• Cow boys would have to keep the cattle healthy and protect them along the way
• They would have to protect themselves from -
Sundance Outlawed
Sundance outlawed
• The sun dance is a native American religious ceremony that is practiced once a year that usually lasts 4 to 8 days
• The dance is symbolic of their religion and represents that all of nature is together and dependent on each other
• Portions of this dance were outlawed which the natives felt to be oppressive of their religion
• This forced the natives to complete the dance in private or to do it differently than the traditional way -
Dawes Severalty Act
Oklahoma Land Run
Wovoka Gohost Dance outlawed
Murder of Sitting Bull
Wounded Knee Masacre