Jul 15, 1526
First European Women in North America
Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón from Spain finds the first North American colony San Miguel de Gualdape, which will be in present day South Carolina, with 600 settlers with hime, some which were women.But by the spring of 1527, only 150 settlers survived when they went back to Spain, due to harsh weather, illnesses and trouble with Indians. -
First English Women in America
The Roanoke colony is established with 17 women and about 100 men as the founding colonists. The women were mostly already married and were brought to accompany their husbands, provide food for the men and take care of the domestic chores.
The colony was found gone in three years, mysteriously leaving no one or anything. Most likely to had been killed or captured by nearby indians. -
First Female Slaves in North America
In an unknown date in 1619, the first slaves were brought to North America. They were brougnt form the Carribean and 3 out of the 20 slaves were women. -
Auctioned Wives
Since all but two men in Jamestown were bachelors, 90 women were sent to Jamestown to be brides. The women were auctioned for 150 pounds of tobacco each, since that will cover the cost of bringing the bride. The brides were even nicknamed "tobacco brides". Many voyages like these happened after since this one was the first. -
Women in the Mayflower
The Mayflower arrived in Massachussets from England. There were 18 married women pilgrims, which 3 were pregnant,10 unmarried, one girl and 73 men. All the women survived the voyage but only 5 survived after the first winter. Dorothy Bradford was the first to die, falling off the ship while they were living in it. Most women died from health since they kept themselves in the Mayflower for 4 months while the men were building homes. By the first Thanksgiving, there were only 4 women alive. -
Salem Witch Trials
In Salem, Massachusetts trials began in 1692 regarding townspeople accused of witchcraft by young girls that were acting strangley. The trial became a frenzy of accusations, ending with 24 people dead. It's legacy was that it showed the first younf ladies showing their power as citizens and it has been made into novels, plays and movies. -
First Woman to Vote
Lydia Taft was the first woman in American History to vote, allowed since she was representing her deceased husband. She would vote two more times, all votes were for passing town laws in Uxebridge, Massachussets. -
Fighting in the Revolution
Deborah Sampson served 17 month in the revolutionary war by disguising as a man. She was revealed as a woman when she was shot in her leg during battle. Sampson joined because she felt like she needed an adventure. -
Academies for Women
Women in the late 18th century were expected to teach their children and raise them as good citizens through an idea called "Republican Motherhood". So academies to teach women on the basics of education and manners popped up in the colonies. -
The Cult of Domesticity
The Cult of Domesticity was formed as a new ideal of womenhood, stating that women should stay home, please their husband and teach their children. It would be followed for many years after until the lower class women started working in the industrial reveloution. -
First Female Graduates
In the 1841, three women (Mary Hosford, Elizabeth Smith Prall , and Mary Caroline Rudd) bcame the first women to recieve s degree from a university in the United States from Oberlin College, a co-edacational school. The same school would later offer the first dgree to a black women, Mary Jane Patterson, in 1862. -
Call for Equal Righst
Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony created the American Equal Rights Association in Boston in order to promote gender and racial equality. Frederick Douglas helped the association also. -
Women Gained Right to Vote
The 19th amendment was ratified in this date, granting women the right to vote. It was introduced in 1878 by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth C. Stanton, formally making the Women's Suffrage Movement in order to pass the right. The amendment made women become more involved in politics, from making more laws for pro-women movements and women running for government offices. -
Women Fighting for the Nation
The Women's Armed Forces Integration Act was passed in order to allow women to enlist in the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine Corps. They were previosly allowed to only be in the military, but were heavily constrainted in what they were alloed to do, such as not being allowed to be fightinh during battles. -
Equal Opportunites in Employment
The EEOC was formed under Lyndon B. Johnson in order to give equal opportunities for all in the American workforce. It would try to allow more women to be able to hold jobs and for them to be recieved better education in universities. -
Shirley Chisholm for President
In 1968, Shirley Chisholm was the first black women in Congress. And in 1972, Chisholm became the first black to run for president under a major-party and first women to run for president under the Democratic Party. Although very popular and appraised, she lost the National Democratic Convention vote. -
First Female Supreme Court Justice
Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female memeber of the Supreme Court since it started in 1789. She was appointed by Ronald Reagan and retired in 2006. -
Year of the Women
In the 1992 elections, women sweeped political offices more than ever across the nation. Nineteen women gained a house seat and three senates, even Carol Braun,the first balck female senator. -
First Female Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Representative for the state of California, became the first female Speaker of the House since the House was started in 1789 in 2007 and kept the office for a little under four years. Her office made her a representation of how women are as equal as men in America. -
2008 Elections
Democrat Hilary Clinton became the first women to win a presidential primary, but lost to Obama. Sarah Palin, ex-governor of Alaska, was the first women to run for vice-president in the Republican nomination.