American Theatre and Drama Between the Wars (1917-1940)

  • The Stage Women's War Relief (1918)

    The Stage Women's War Relief (1918)
    The Stage Women's War Relief was an organization on New York that designed different performances for the troops. The offered and provided other things like clothes, food, and hospital supplies.
  • Epic Theatre (1920)

    Epic Theatre (1920)
    Epic Theatre was in idea brought up bu Bertolt Brecht. He wanted people to watch his plays and be able to walk away with new information and new ideas that could from different opinions or change their opinions based on society and how it needed to be fixed. These plays were political based on followed with the current political status of the world.
  • The Emperor Jones by Eugene O'Neill

    The Emperor Jones by Eugene O'Neill
    The Emperor Jones is a play written by American dramatist, Eugene O'Neil. He was the first dramatist to win international recognition because of his work. O'Neil was known for using a huge variety of different styles in his plays.
  • Rachel Crothers (1876-1958)

    Rachel Crothers (1876-1958)
    Due to the time period, women were not really apart of theatre and it was rare to see it. Rachel Crothers is known for many different plays that brought her plenty of success. Women like Rachel made it possible for more women to be involved. She was also a playwright, which was more rare than a women just being in a play.
  • Zona Gale (1874-1938)

    Zona Gale (1874-1938)
    Zona Gale was the first female playwright to win a Pulitzer award.
  • American Laboratory Theatre (1923)

    American Laboratory Theatre (1923)
    The American Laboratory Theatre was created in 1923 by Richard Boleslavsky and Maria Ouspenskaya. This was a drama school that was located in New York. This was a widely known school and around 500 people attended there at this time.
  • The Jazz Singer (1927)

    The Jazz Singer (1927)
    The Jazz Singer is an American drama that was filmed by Alan Crosland. It was the first motion picture with music and people actually talking and singing in the movie, which prior to this was not done or done enough.
  • Group Theatre (1931)

    Group Theatre (1931)
    Group Theatre was created in 1931 by former students of the Moscow Art Theatre and the American Laboratory. This came to be one of the most respected groups in the US. So many great plays and productions came from this group and they really made a mark on American Theatre.
  • The Federal Theatre Project (1935)

    The Federal Theatre Project (1935)
    The Federal Theatre Project was the first time that the US government funded theatre in America. This project mostly stayed in New York but was useful when it came to getting people to do theatre and it gave opportunities for minorities to join.
  • The American Negro Theatre (1940)

    The American Negro Theatre (1940)
    The American Negro Theatre was created in 1940 by two men named, Abram Hill and Frederick O'Neal. This company made a huge impact on American theatre and theatre within minorities. Nineteen plays were presented and produced until they closed and shut down in 1949.