Oct 31, 1492
Columbus lands in the New World
Columbus and his men were looking for Asia but they landed in America. They tried to convert people to Christianity, came for Gold, God, and Glor. -
Period: Oct 31, 1492 to
1st semester Mosier
Settlers at Roanoke Island
Around 100 settlers land in the OBX, with Sir Walter Raleigh. Raleigh leaves and when he returns the colonists are all gone. It was the first settlement had it lasted long enough. "Lost colony" -
Jamestown Settlement
John Smith was the leader of the settlers that go to Jamestown. Settle near a river so that the Spanish would not find them. HAd run ins with the Indians. Big place for cash crops, tobacco etc. -
Mayflower Compact
People land at Plymouth Rock in Mass. They came on a ship called the Mayflower and the compact said that the people had to abide by chosen rules/guidelines -
CIty Upon a Hill speech John Winthrop
English leader, lead people to Mass. He said that the people must follow the word of God and work together to acheive a common goal in the New World. The journey was for nothing if they cannot work together to acheive their goals. -
Period: to
Pequot War
A member of the Pequot tribe killled a colonist. The colonists retaliate and then they fight back and forth until the colonists kill off all of the Pequots -
Anne Hutchinson is kicked out of Massachusete bay colony
Anne Hutchinson wasa woman in the Massachusetes Bay colony and was kicked out because she challenged the courts with bible verses and stuff -
Bacon's Rebellion
William Berkely raised land taxes in Virginia. Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against this and said he will kill anybody in his way. He burned Jamestown to the ground, died a month later. Spirit of rebellion getting stronger. -
Salem witch trials
The people of Salem Mass. were crazy and they thought everybody was a witch. People were put on trial and almost all were hung. It was stopped by the governor. -
Sinners at the hand of an angry god -Johnathan Edwards
Part of the Great Awakening where guys went around and preached about how people are more concerned with material possessions rather than with God and told people that they need to recommit to God. -
Benjamin Franklin lives
Ben Franklin was a visionary who was skeptical of many of the classic views of america. He said that decisions should be made on a moral basis rather than on a religious basis. -
French Indian War
The Americans want the French out, wasn't the Fench in the first place. -
Treaty of Paris
French get out of colonists land. Britain owns the land now. -
Proclamation of 1763
Regulates land of the new British land and regulates trade with the Indians. -
Sugar Act
Part of the revenue act that the British put in place in the colonies. They taxed sugar and stamps, made the colonists mad. -
Stamp Act
All people have to pay taxes on stamps and have to have a stamp on all documents and letters and they taxed stuff like playing cards too. -
Quartering Act
Require colonists to house British soldiers in their homes if they need it. -
Townshend Act
Lots of laws passed through parliament. Laws aimed at NY not complying with the Quatering Act. Also aims guns at Boston central of smuggling through America. -
Townshend Acts
Parliament passed a bunch of laws that limited the actions of New York because they were not complying with the Quatering Act. Said that the New York assembly could not assemble and had little power until they comply with the Quatering Act. -
Boston Masacre
The colonists were provoking the British guards and it turned into an all out riot with the colonists. The British guards tried to surpress it but they had to shoot and killed like 2 or 3 people. It was blown out or proportion and added to the added sense of rebellion in the colonies. -
Boston Tea Party
Colonists were boycotting British tea because of the revenue act. The British send them a crap load of tea to win their allegiance, the colonists were obviously not happy with this because they could not be bought. Sam Adams and sons of liberty dump crates of tea into the Boston harbor, the British are losing the colonies. -
Intolerable/ coercive Acts
A bunch of British attempts to silence and punish people who participated in the Boston Tea Party and upped the Quatering acts. Instead of tearing the colonies apart it brought them even closer. -
Continental Cingress
1st governent to be brought together in the colonies. Apply that British acts no longer apply to them, gather arms and stuff, economic sanctions to boycott British goods officially, declaration of American rights so that the British have no power over the colonies officialy. These ideas spread really well and really fast. -
Lexington and Concord
The British came to get Sam Adams and went to Concord where there was a British store of weapons. Warning system estabalished to warn when the British were on their way. Paul Revere warned them in time to fight, forced the British to retreat. -
Second Continental Congress
Met in Philly shortly after the 1st Continental Congress met. They led the war effort against the British shortly after the fighting errupted. -
Battle of Bunker HIll
The British had taken Boston, but the Americans were on their way to fight. Were posted at the top of Breade's Hill, instructed not to fire until you can see the whites of their eyes because they were low on ammo. Officialy a British victory but the Americans saw it as an American victory because they ran out of ammo. -
Olive Branch Petition
Last ditch effort to make peace with the crown but the British resist the petition and declare the Americans open enemies. -
Declaration Of Independence
Thomas Jefferson winds up writing the whole thing after Adams and Franklin back out. Talks about "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. -
Common Sense
Thomas Paine said that the colonies needed to be independent of Britain and that it was "common sense". This raised the moral of the Americans at a big point in the war. -
Battle of Saratoga
Turning point in the war, huge American victory. The Americans were now more modile and more able to compete with the British. -
Surrender at Yorktown
French helped the Americans at Yorktown, blockaded the British navy. The French help the Americans invade yorktown and it works Cornwallace surrenders, British are just about done. -
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation established the first official gov't. Makes the 13 states, and a weak central gov't. Give states tons of rights, make own currency and tons of other stuff too. Did not work at all like at all. -
Treaty of Paris
Americans win their independence. British signs the treaty, establish borders and war debts have to be paid back, must return land taken during the fighting. -
Land Ordinance of 1785
Focused on the Northwest territory, thinly populated and still inhabited by Indians and French. Selll blocks of land to bring in money for the governement and get people to survey the new land. -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Divided into 5 regions in the Northwest territory. Once the states reach a population limit they can apply to become states. These states have equal standing in congress. Slavery outlawed in all of the new territory. -
Shay's Rebellion
People were being sent to jail for their debts on their land, they were not happy with this obviously and the rebelled. The country did not have an army to surpress these hooligans so private citizens had to pay for a militia to stop the rebellion. Articles of confederation struggling a lot. -
Constitutional Convention
Met in Philly to discuss making a new Constitution to make a good governent. Federalists vs. Anti-federalists cannot agree. Wind up making a good government that would become the Constitution. -
The Great Compromise
Creates a bicamarel government, two houses of legislature. One house has equal representation, other house has representation based on population. -
3/5 Compromise
3/5 of slaves count for both representation and for taxes. South wants slaves to count for representation but not for taxes. North wants slaves to count for taxes but not representation. -
Federalist Papers
Federalists wrote a series of articles about why the Constitution should be ratified. -
Period: to
Washington presidency
George Washington was the first president, and before president he was a general who fought in the revolutionary war. He tried to remain neutral on all issues. -
Bill of Rights
Ammendments to the Constitution, things not said in the body of the document. Mostly gave people their fundamental rights, first 10 ammendments of the Constitution. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Frontier men were smuggling grain alcohol across the mountains and were not paying taxes on that alcohol. The taxes were high so they rebelled by smuggling their alcohol tax free. GW sent in the limited army to stop the rebellion. They took around 20 people, most were let go and 2 were hung. Very unsuccesful campaing for the army. -
Citizen Genet comes to America
CItizen Genet came to America in order to rally the support of the American people with the French revolution. GW doesn't like that, still trying to remain neutral in this affair. -
Jay treaty
A treaty with Britain that told the British to evacuate their forts in America within 2 years, and the Americans agreed to not trade with any country that is a direct enemy or at war with Britain. Would cause trouble with France. -
Pinckney's treaty
A treaty with Spain that allowed free passage through New Orleans and free passage up the mississippi river. Allowed for easier trade and acess to the Northwest territory by water. -
Washington's farewell adress
When Washington was handing over his power to Adams, he told the people a number of things for the country to do. He said to unite the country and government, and to not hold grudges against other countries but also do not fall in love. -
Period: to
John Adams presidency
Adams was a Massachusetes man who came from money. Federalist, but wants to find the balance. His cabinet carries over from Washington. -
XYZ affair
The Americans wanted to talk to the French to work out a peaceful solution, the French were not so keen on these talks. ONly will talk to Americans if they pay the French, Wants to go to war with them but holds off and the tensions with France eventually die off. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
Adams was a lame duck but he still wrote this act. Residency requirement of 14 years in order to vote, deports all aliens of America, and silence any government criticism. After all of Adam's loyalty he suddenly becomes self concerned. -
John Marshall is cheif justice
Just before Adams is forced to leave his office he appoints a bunch of federalists to important roles such as the cheif justice. He put John Marshall in the position. -
Period: to
JEfferson presidency
TJ was a man of money and he came from Virginia. Majorly repuclican, pushed a lot for state's right but was ok with central gov't too. -
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon is in charge of France now and with his world domination thing he needs money fast. Napoleon sells the Louisiana territory to the Americans very cheap so he could get quick money. Was not really constitutional for Jefferson to do that but he still did it. -
ALexander Hamilton lives
Hamilton and Burr had been exchanging slanderous remarks and it go out of hand eventually. The two had a duel and Hamilton wound up being shot and killed. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
JEfferson sent out a team of people who were lead by Lewis and Clark to survey and make maps of the new land. Met Indians on the way, nice and mean ones. They also went all the way to the coast even though they were not supposed to. -
Embargo Act
Jefferson passed an act that outlawed international trade and that would build up American manufacturing. He was a lame duck when he passed this and did not stay in place very long. -
Period: to
JAmes Madison presidency
Madison was a borderline genius but he was not such a great leader. A native from Virginia, really caught up in foreign affairs. -
war of 1812
This was a war fought between the Americans and the British. It turned out to be a pointless war because in the end neither side gained anything. -
Henry Clay lives
Clay developed an econoomic system called the American System. It said that the U.S. needs to have high tarrifs, higher land prices and distribute the profits among the states, and also a strong National bank. -
Period: to
James Monroe presidency
Lots of good sutff happening when Monroe joins. Virginia man who was deeply Republican all about those state rights. Not big on the econimic piece. -
Adams Onis treaty
John Quincy Adams wanted to have enough land to make a transcontinental railroad. He made a treaty that got the U.S. land in little plots all along the western front. -
Mcculouch vs. MAryland
Maryland tried to tax the national bank in Maryland. The supreme court said that the power was completely in the hands of the federal government. -
Financial Panis of 1819
The British were not trading with the U.S. because they could get cotton for cheaper in the West Indies. The national bank had a fraud scandal and a lot of people's money was lost and the bank was dismantled. Showed that having all the money in one place was not always smart. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri applies for statehood but wants to be a slave state. This will upset the balance so they make Maine a free state and draw a line at the 36 30 parallel and say no land above that line can be a slave state. -
Monroe Doctrine
A doctrine established to keep the Europeans out of America. Said that no further colonization in any of the Americas, the Europeans need to stay out of the WEstern hemisphere because they will cause trouble, the U.S, will not interfere with existing colonies, U.S. stays out of European affairs. This doctrine, for the most part, ended conflicts with Europeans. -
Gibbons v Ogden
New York said that they control the Hudson river, but the supreme court says that power was also federal power. States cannot regulate federal land. -
Period: to
John Quincy Adams Presidency
Son of John Adams, a lot like like big John. Not a compromiser and was not a people person. Served a short term that ended with the split of the REpublicans. -
Period: to
Andrew Jackson Presidency
He was a self made man and a military genius. He was a man of steel and power. Not so keen on the weak of society and of Indians and slaves. -
Indian removal act of 1830
The Indians tried to go to the Supreme Court to compromise with the gov't but Jackson still said no to them. Sent them all west, trail of tears. -
Nullification Controversy
South Carolina was not happy with the super high tarrifs and tried to nullify them. The federal gov't stepped in said no way. Jackson passed the Force Bill but therre was a compromise made to stop him. Souuth Carolina wound up nullifying. Big precedent about what states can and cant do. -
Jackson vetoes charter of bank of US
Jackson vetoed a charter to extend the life of the bank. He did not like the idea of all the money in one place. He redistributed the money to the states equally so they could deal with it. Inflation was insane, not many people like that JAckson did this. -
Panic of 1837
There was tons of state debt, inflation was insane and everything was bad. THe English were in a depression and were demanding that US debts be paid off. All of this was carried over from JAcksons plan of denying the bank charter. -
Period: to
MArtin Van Burens presidency
He was a member of the Whig party, does not have a plan, only hates AJ. Huge financial problems carried over from JAckson and people really did not like Van Buren because of it. -
William Henry Harrison wins 1840 election
Another WIhig, still have no platform. HArrison was an avergae kind of guy and his slogan was that he could drink and play cards which is what the people wanted. Still have no platform as a president but he was a chill guy.