Zika Virus 101

  • Yellow Fever discovery

    A man Carroll allowed a mosquito to feed on him and had ended up developing a case of yellow fever. Later with the help of his colleague (Walter Reed) he had led a team and was able to prove that mosquitoes contained the yellow fever.
  • Walter Reed discovered mosquitoes carried yellow fever

    Walter Reed was a army physician which in 1901 he led the team who postulated can confirmed the theory of yellow fever being transmitted through mosquitoes.
  • Vaccines for yellow fever was developed

    Where yellow fever would occur was in South American, Panama, Trinidad, and Tobago. Many countries didn't require the vaccines for yellow fever because they had no proof that yellow fever was detected in the area. The vaccine name is Yf-Vax
  • Zika Virus discovered in monkeys

    Scientist were in the forest in Uganda following blood analyses of sentinel monkeys. African and Asian lineages didn't have anything to do with the cause of infections in humans. Then soon finding out that the Yellow Fever had, the same exact symptoms as the Zika virus and had multiple things tied together with it.
  • First cases of Zika were detected in humans

    When the first cases of the Zika virus were detected in humans, researchers have identified it to be coming from the Uganda forest and the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • First large outbreak of disease caused by Zika virus

    The first large outbreak of the Zika virus was reported in the islands of Yap. As the virus moved from south-east Asia across the Pacific.
  • Outbreak in Tahiti island

    270,000 people were hit with the outbreak of the Zika virus in 2013. The Zika virus had never been detected in the French Polynesia before there was an outbreak 5,000 miles away- which was the Yao islands.
  • Brazil reported an assassination between Zika virus and Guillain-Barre' syndrome

    Dr. James Sejvar, a neuroepidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had said that in countries with the Zika virus are showing rise in cases with people with Guillain-Barre's syndrome.
  • Brazil associated with Zika virus infection and microcephaly

    The infection had started in the northeast part of Brazil where dengue virus was also circulating. By September that's when everything had ended up increasing with the births pd infants being born with the virus.
  • Women come from Honduras to the U.S.

    Women from Honduras comes to the U.S. to seek medical attention because she was pregnant with the Zika virus